xum's Forum Posts

  • 10 posts
  • Joe7

    This would be such a great plugin if it worked. I wish you where still around to finish it. <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • HI. I'm trying to sort through my CSV data too. What is this "While with a virtual cursor" magic you speak of, and how can I use it? Can you elaborate please.

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  • Thanks. Yes, it seems to do the right thing but, still, don't really get it. What does "populate" actually do in your example. And where does it pick up the "1" value parse the array with ? Sorry I'm fuzzy with arrays. This is why I prefer CSV tables which I can also edit easily.

    I guess i don't know where can edit the "function". Can you elaborate please?

  • Hi nice people of C2! Need a little help, please.

    I'm using a CSV table like this:

            ?JPG,             TXT            ,KIND,     

    cat,       cat.jpg,      cat.txt,          cute,

    puppy, puppy.jpg,      puppy.txt,     cute,

    shark,   shark.jpg,      shark.txt,       nasty?

    With this I can nicely generate a list with a text box and picture for each animal, using ?for each row?. But what condition and how should I use it to generate a list with only the ?cute? animals. Thank you!

  • Ashley

    Thanks, that worked like a charm. And wow! Thanks for taking time to answer such a beginners question. I wish you all the best!

  • mindfaQ:

    Thanks for reply. I can't find "load from URL" for .txt files. I only have that option when loading images. Also Ajax prompts me to a list of set project files to choose from manually. I want the user to be able to click on item and bring up the text description of item in new layout.


    i have no idea what that is but i will look it up right now. Thank you!

    Edit: It looks like PHP works with mysql and seems quite complicated for something like bringing up a text from a project file. Oh, and i dont know if it's relevant but my app needs to work offline.

  • Hello guys, big C2 fan here. Little help needed. I'm working on a �My Collection� type of app. Every item has like a 3 page description in a .txt file which I need to load when I click on item.

    If I Use the Ajax request it prompts me to select .txt file manually from a list of project files which doesn't help.

    The CSV table loads just fine and I tried storing �item1.txt,item2.txt,...,itemN.txt� then parse the table and load ".txt" value as a variable but I can't use said variable to �load from URL�

    I guess I could paste the text for each item in the CSV table as a value, but multiple pages for each, more than a 100 items, separated by comas just doesn't seem right. And it would be a huge, unmanageable table in the editor, right?

    So, how should I do this? I had the same issue with .jpg image files for the each item and I worked around it, as suggested, by loading them as animation frames but I just can't figure it out what to do for the texts.

    Thanks a lot!

  • If you set the frame in a subevent of the creation event, only the created instance will be affected.

    What is this magic? It worked! I don't really understand how, but it did. So easy. Obviously I have a lot to learn about subevents and C2. Thanks a million!

  • Hey, thanks a lot for the speedy response! I did load all the jpg's in separate frames like in your example, which is great. But I still have the same problem: all the displayed list items show the last thmbn.jpg I loaded (the last frame). I know what my problem is: it's the logic. All the create thmbn happen in the same event (on different button clicks) so the all the images reset to the last one.

    I have to exclude the existing thumbnails from the loop. Or prevent the resetting by affecting only the current create of thmbn.

    Can you point me into the right direction, please? Thanks in advance!

  • This is probably a basic thing just my logic is broken but I can�t figure it out. Sorry.

    I�m working on creating a catalog of my �stuff.

    I will have a �list� layout which I will generate from a database: for each item, a sprite with a thumbnail picture than item name ,like so:

    thmbn 1, item1

    thmbn 2, item 2

    thmbn n, item n

    I created a variable. When I input variable N(than click button) it creates line in the list layout:

    thmbn N (sprite is loading from csv file At(�thmbn� variable).jpg.)

    it�s all good.

    Click button again creates new list item underneath. good.


    When I change variable and click, it displays new list item with correct thmbn.jpg. but changes thmbn.jpg of all other items already displayed.

    I tried using local variables but.. same result. How can I keep .jpg already displayed unchanged. Thank you!

    P.S. love love love Construct2!

  • 10 posts