xrhajan's Forum Posts

  • 9 posts
  • Same doubt here.

  • PhoenixNightly Here i send an exemple of what i've trying to do. It don't do a good wrap. :/


    That tutorial solved the question:

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/1411/w ... d-diagonal


  • Hi Lordshiva1948, it's actually a up down infinite scrolling that i want no learn, BUT, your tutorial was very good, i'll need that for my next planned game (after i solve that problem). I'm searching the forums and tutos, but i could not get it working. :/ Like a background that scrolls up down with wrap. I'm trying some methods but until now i doesn't got it. But thank you!

  • Hi linkman2004, i have the same doubt. For example, in this tutorial, the sentence make a horizontal scroll, i believe that he want to now how to do the same thing but vertically and up to down.


  • Kyatric can you help with that?


    Well, after many searches and many attempts, i've figured out how to do. Actually it's very simple.

    With your "to scroll" background (in this case a starfield) taller than your static background, you just set Layout properties> Unbounded Scrolling>yes

    And now, the reverse sentence should work.

    System on every tick: System set scroll Y to scrolly - 8 (or any speed variable) *dt

    **I didn't implemented the loop yet, but should be not too difficult.

    Thanks for the attention!

  • Tekniko i don't know if this will help you, but i'm following the Kyatric "http://gamedevelopment.tutsplus.com/series/build-a-space-based-shoot-em-up-in-construct-2--gamedev-12704" tutorial. And it just works horizontal left to right. I've transposed to vertical, but only work down to up.

    When i try to invert the sentence in Y axis, the scroll stop. :/

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  • Thanks for the quick responses.

    Tekniko Thanks for that!

    Kyatric, you are my menthor, man! I'm starting with your tutorials (but i had problem in this part, couse in the tuto, its horizontal left to right scrolling and i've transposed to vertical, but only works down to up)!

  • Hi, I'm Rhajan.

    I grew up loving video games, since Atari 2600. Now i have this thing pushing me to a new level, to make video games, work with it. Make this my profession.

  • Hi all,

    How do i make a parallax scroll from up to down using the scrolly function (or the best way to)?

    I've searched the tutorials but none was simple to a newcommer.

  • 9 posts