Xionor's Forum Posts

  • Hi,

    Is there any expression that refers to the layers parallax?

    For storing a Layer's Parallax values in a variable?

  • The only instant solution i've found so far is making pre-placed "spawn boxes" within which the objects are allowed to spawn.

  • Pretty nice idea.

    Tho with a bigger Check it can take up to 10-15 seconds to place 10 objects apart with the method you're suggesting. And I need it to happen instantly on Layout Start.

    Also if the number of objects makes it impossible to place them all in a way that they don't overlap - it just keeps looping forever.

  • You have Sprite1.

    How would you spawn 10 instaces of Sprite 1 at random coordinates, with at least 100px distance between all of them?

    Been trying to figure it out all night but no results so far.

  • Oh damn, so another Ouya coming up. This is good news for developers.

    Hopefully with the Amazon brand, it will fair well quickly. 8D

    How does the Amazon brand help sell a gaming console?

    It's like saying Adidas are releasing a gaming console. Like....what?

    Also it's not like Amazon users are avid gamers. Most normal people still consider buying games a complete waste of money.

  • Fmistakes - Could be your keyboard just doesn't support Arrows + Numpad toches at the same time? : P

  • cvp

    Ah, thank you! I tried looking for that but didn't find much.

    I just threw in a similar solution into my code and the objects stopped picking themselves at least! So it's a step in the right direction.

    Going to bed now, so I'll test it further tomorrow if they're also picking the correct ones!

  • cvp

    The problem is the instances pick themselves!

    The closest Instance of Object to Object with IID=1 is Object with IID=1.

  • Hi,

    Reposting this from the General section.

    I have now 8 instances of the same object.

    How would I make each instance select the one nearest to itself, other than itself?

    I used.

    For Each Object

    • > Pick Nearest to Self.X , Self.Y

    But that just picks itself. I tried different methods of not selecting self but none worked.

    Basically make the following selections(note my amazing work of art below)

    1 selects 2

    2 selects 1

    3 selects 4

    4 selects 3

    5 selects 4

    6 selects 7

    7 selects 8

    8 selects 8

    <img src="http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/6083/uvhs.png" border="0" />

  • newt

    Thanks for the tip. I tried it but it didnt work properly. I'll repost this in the howto section furter and explain my problem better with more detail.

  • I tried another method.

    I have 2 instances of Sprite.

    One with UID 0 and one with UID 1.

    Pick Sprite with UID 0

    • > Pick Nearest Sprite to Self.X Self.Y

       -> Set Text to Sprite.UID

    It seems to select the sprite with UID 0, in the first pick, and not the sprite with UID with pick 1.

    How would you make a sprite pick the nearest other sprite of the same type?

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  • You have 2 instances of the same Sprite.

    The following snippet:

    Sprite -> Pick Nearest to Self.X, Self.Y

    Does it pick itself, or does it pick the other sprite?

  • I hope not.

  • There's absolutely nothing that will magically make good graphics for you.

    Sorry but you'll have to find yourself a talented artist to make anything sellable.

  • Checking if the Group is active inside the Group is redundant.

    If the Group isn't active none of the checks inside the group would run to begin with.

    You're only checking if the Group is active, while it's active. That makes no sense.

    It's like writing "If X=1 , check if X=1".

    To check for the Opposite/Inverted stament, right click it and click Inverted : )