xinok's Forum Posts

  • 8 posts
  • I think you should just install a few different themes. I don't mind if this were the default theme, but I'd prefer to use a different theme.

    What I really don't like about this theme are the icons next to each thread. Some of the icons, I have no idea what they mean, and some of them are flashing It's confusing.

  • The problem why eventing in Construct is slow is because you're required to scroll down to get to several actions.

    I think a simpler solution is to replace the list with a tree. All items are collapsed by default, and a single click on an item will expand it. This will pretty much eliminate the need for scrolling, and will make eventing much quicker.

  • A few requests for the Python editor.

    Change the font to a fixed width font, such as Courier New or Lucida Console. I also think the font should be a little bigger, 10 pixels or so. I don't use clear type on my monitor, so anything 10 pixels or larger is easier to read.

    The list on the right is case sensitive. This is a bit annoying, and most programming editors are not case sensitive.

    Add buttons to import and export .py source files. Perhaps just add a toolbar? The toolbar can have common buttons, plus programming specific buttons such as increase / decrease indent and comment out a block of code.

  • I highly recommend Sandboxie.

    This allows you to run any program in a sandbox, a controlled environment in which the program is unable to modify anything on your PC. It's a great way to test software to make sure it does nothing malicious.

  • Use "input" rather than "raw_input", as raw_input will always give you a string.

    aaoc = input("enter your selection, between 1-9:")

    Then you can use this to verify the input:

    assert(type(aaoc) is int and 1 <= aaoc <= 9)

    This verifies that aaoc is an int and is a value between 1 and 9.

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  • The reason they do this is if you were to pass an array to a function, it's faster to pass by reference than to duplicate the array.

    But this is simply how Python is by design. It's a dynamically typed language, so everything is a reference to an object. Even primitive types like int, float, and string are objects. Even the types themselves are objects, which means you can do this:

    arr = [int, float, str]

  • I know C++, D, and Python. I consider myself an amateur programmer at best.

  • I don't post here often, but I think this is an excellent idea. Python is a pretty easy language, personally only took me a few days to learn.

    How about being able to write extensions in Python? It's a far simpler language than C++, which would make it easier for amateur developers to write extensions for Construct. Python has great interoperability with C++, so the Python SDK could be entirely based off the C++ SDK.

  • 8 posts