Xenos2112's Forum Posts

  • 3 posts
  • If I had the extra cash on hand to do that, I surely would! Pixel art is probably my favorite digital art form, and it's one I (sadly) know very little about...

    Scratch that-I don't know anything about ANY art, rightly... Oh, sure, I took some courses in High School, and I can do JUST this side of better'n stick figures-but an ARTIST I am not.

    WORKING on it, though. I'd love to be able to do amazing Pixel Art, and art for some old school top-down RPG/Adventure Games like Final Fantasy, Golden Sun, and Legend of Zelda!

    I will be bookmarking this, and if/when I have the money, I'll come back to it!

  • <img src="https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/389211_170981772994276_716023580_n.jpg" border="0" />

    Me. Yes, I dress like that regularly, and yes, this photo may or may NOT have been for a pinup calendar...

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  • Well, I wasn't expecting to be taken straight away to the "Official Introduce Yourself Thread," but so long as I'm here, might as well introduce myself.

    Howdy, y'all, I'm Xenos, most people call me X or Markus (long story, details elude me). I'm a college age fella, in the simulation and game dev program at the local community joint (along with my wife and best mate). Our PLAN (after taking next semester off, because heck, it's murder on my work life) is to hit up the college a town or two over, as they've the better program, and offer the whole thing online.

    Found this program looking for quick-to-learn 2D game engines in a similar vein of GM/MMF that sort of thing. This'n looked to be about the best for what I'm wanting to do, so I figured I'd snag the free version, try and make something, and maybe upgrade later, if it does in fact do what I want it to do.

    So, some about me-I am NOT an artist. I **** at all things art related, so nine out of ten, I find "Free to use/Give Credit" resources, or source an artist friend to hook me up with sprites. Currently, I'm using the works of SithJester, quite amazing art that. It'll work for what I'm wanting to do over the next few weeks.

    I AM a musician. Not a game score type guy (although I'm working my way towards that, and have PLENTY of gear for it), but more of a rock/metal/folk/jazz kind of guy. I recently came into possession of a wonderful synth/keyboard, and plan to put it to good use.

    I am SOMEWHAT of a writer. I can come up with stories, plots, characters, you name it, I've probably written it at one point in time or another. My strong point is history. I can create worlds with the best of 'em.

    What kind of games I'm into, you ask?

    Algorithmic Shooters, Top Down, RPG, that sort of thing (2D), FPSs, RPGs, Adventure (3D). I am CURRENTLY working on a Top Down Adventure/RPG with Algorithmic Shooter Elements (it has no name). I would LIKE to eventually get funding to produce it for Sega Genesis, ala Pier Solar (a new Genesis game-weird, I know), and possibly have a port for XBLA/PS3whateverit'scalledtheyhavegamesfor.

    Anyway, I figure that's plenty-a-dern-nuff about me for now, I'm going to do my usual thing of lurking like a sneaky ninja!

  • 3 posts