xeed's Forum Posts

  • Hey,

    U got an idea how to easily make an event sheet, that checks if 2 objects can "see" each other? (on 2D topview like the ghostshooter tut)

    The condition is there are no solid objects crossing a straight line between them.

    And maybe an area of the current (view) angle of both objects is only affected, so that if an enemy is turned around not looking at you he doesnt see u, even if he could.

    Thanks for your suggestions :)

  • Thanks Ashley.

    How about an override of the 8-Direction behaviour?

    I just want the player to be moving via WSAD and the move angle to be set current mouse position.

    If the Player collides with the walls, he cannot move anymore, in any direction. It's a bit hard work without families to do that for 8 different types of walls that should block the player (up-up, down-up, leftleft, and so on) that he can still move in the direction he came from.

    Maybe there could be a bahavour that just enables solid object for an object like a player, so that he just cant be set to positions on which the solid object is placed.

  • Hey,

    just made my own control for player movement. but solid objects are not responding as "solid" for him, since i did not give the movement behaviour. if i give, player is correctly blocked.

    do i need to fix this about events and put the control in a group?

  • Fixed first problem myself. But the button stays on all layers.

    Edit sorry all Layouts. Please give me info to fix this.

  • Thanks for ur answers.

    Trying to clone a button. No cross appears.

    Why are the cloned Objects only listed in the Project Window?

    And I guess I got the old ATI bug again, since on "Layout 2" the button does not disappear in the preview. Layout 2 is loaded by an event Button Click in Layout 1.

    Also the tiled background and sprites are not shown in Layout 2. Got X1950 Pro with latest Drivers (10.0.2) and Firefox 7.0.1.

  • Oh i did see the cloned objects are now listed in the event sheet, but not in the objects window.

    maybe this is a bug?

  • Hi,

    Objects->Object->MouseRight->Clone nothing happens.

    Any way to use this feature?

  • Hey,

    how can i access the size of current layout?

    Thanks xeed

  • Hey,

    the Object Names dont Auto-Rename in Expressions.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Hey,

    add a sprite as player, give him "platform" behaviour.

    add another sprite as block, give it "solid" behaviour.

    drag the player sprite over the block, press "run layout", and see how it works <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    regards, xeed

  • 1. i do open another thread for this, right. it really doesnt change the names in expressions, but everywhere else in the event system and hud.

    2. good info, and fine solution.

    3. so how to access the layout.width/height in the event system?

    4. i guess it would be nice to have, since every better graphic tool does it. of course even it doesn't make too much work to implement this into c2.

    5. yes, families. i think this is an essential feature in oo coding, and i would give this a top position in the todo list.

  • with the buy times, u could also make a continous list from 1 to 999 <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    however it doesnt fit in my avatar symbol. ^^

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  • Hey <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    r52 Rocks! Just made my first Platform Shooter, and during the buildup i got some questions...maybe you can help me answer them now.

    1. When i change the name of an object, maybe a sprite, it auto changes it's name in the event and action system, but only if directly affected.

    But i access a value of a class in a phrase, it doesn't, but the formula keeps working anyway. Can you tell me how that works? Will there be a fix so that the accessed objects in phrases change their name too?

    2. If i want to send a capx file with features of standard edition to a user with demo of c2 only, can he open, export and safe the project without restrictions? Didn't test it, but at flstudio the solution is just, that you cannot safe projects with the demo at all, but have full functionality of the daw. Guess this would be nice solution for c2 too.

    3. How can i access the heigth/width of a layer in the event system?

    4. Is there a way to rotate a textfield? If not, will that be implemented soon?

    5. I need too access multiple Sprites with one object name, so that i dont have to write every event for new with the same methodes. Is there a way to do so?

    Thanks alot


  • Hi again,

    none of these tools work for me. radeon x1950 pro graphics, newest drivers.

    only thing happening when click one of the buttons is

    • the right half of the image is cut of
    • the left half of the image is stretched to fit the original size

    <img src="http://iteed.de/shared/c2stretchbug.jpg" border="0" />

    this is the effect after using each of the tools.

    oh i'd see the bug was already posted here...


    • Post link icon

    1. working image editor in sprite importer

    2. rotation point selector

    3. collision polygons

    4. 2d physics