tulamide ,
Thanks for your time. I have to tell you that it's very difficult for me show you something that i have because i can't post any type of url ( screenshot , code, etc)because i have not enough permissions
?is there any other way to do it?
on the other hand, wanted to be more precise with what you mention to check the code.
I can tell you that I have the code exactly as you suggested, and do not hear anything. As I read in this forum, it seems, Construct has ever had problems with the sound and browsers. So I checked the sounds to see if the problem were the sounds. I created a button that reproduced the 3 sounds without using array or random and I can hear them properly in Chrome. If your code works, do not understand where can be the fault. I can not know what else to check.
Thanks again, and hope not to bother you anymore.