wrongtarget's Forum Posts

  • Hello!

    I'm having trouble figuring out how to express a condition using the GamePad plugin where Construct detects a complete turn of one of the gamepad sticks to move an sprite.

    Any ideas?


  • Also i'm having the feeling that SOMETHING happened that triggered all this dissatisfaction in you. In January 10, 2013 you posted:

    "10 Jan 2013 at 4:31pm

    I feel funny even asking this. C2 is the best purchase I have made in the last few years, and is worth every cent."

    And just today you posted in a thread:

    "I love how ideas can grow on forums. Just plant a little seed and watch it grow."

    What happened?

  • I was guessing you were the same guy (Killer_PumpkinZ) in the Steam group that posted this:

    "The advertising for this project is a complete falsehood. They claim you can create games without programming. Well, that is complete nonsense. When you set your digital watch you are programming it. When you set your microwave oven to stop at a certain time you are programming it.

    What they are trying to say, is that you are not using any formal, or proper programming languages. You do use their event system to program this product. It is a visual programming system.

    You also need to have an understanding of game logic, and game programming.

    You also need basic algebra skills for the most basic of operations too, to do anything of merit you will also need to understand and be able to program algorithm.

    Next up is what you actually get when you buy this product. Well other than the locked tools being unlocked, you get absolutely nothing. The support is basically you asking other clueless noobs on the forums for help. Which brings up the paradox of "you need to search before you ask", then when you search and find something and ask a question, you will get yelled at for "necro-ing " a thread.

    And then we have this falsehood of just pressing a button and porting your games to iPhone and all the other market places. This is completely false. You need to design your game from the ground up, for the platform you are going to be selling it on.

    The node-webkit export claims that you can start making desktop applications, this is only true if you do not have any functions using the file system. The node webkit is just a stripped down version of chrome, so you are just using a browser and you are not actually publishing any native applications. So you get all the security crap, and poor rendering too.

    The company is grossly understaffed. There are some really valid and important questions are left for the community to answer. It is all a big popularity contest on who gets blessed with a company response.

    They need to pay a few moderators to go around and look for unanswered questions from their paying customers.

    Giving this company my money was a big mistake. I honestly though there would be some level of post purchase support.

    TL:DR; If you want to make a game, you will need to learn some sort of programming. Paying for a game engine like this one will get you nowhere if you do not actually know how to make video games.

    Once you do learn how to make games, you can pick from a few hundred kits just like this one, only they are free and open source.

    You will get the same level of help, and you will get the same bullsh-t from the free forums.

    So, if you want to make games, and you do not want to conform to some bullsh-t maxims list on how you should talk to even ask questions, save your money and play with Ogre,Crystalspace,Irrlicht,Scrolling game development kit, the blender game engine, and a slew of others that will not cost you a cent."

    After checking the other aliases of Killer_PumpkinZ, there is a joJoe, so i'm guessing i'm addressing the same person.

    My friend, i wouldn't even know how to start replying your very aggressive and deceitful post.I hope somebody joins this conversation and contributes more than i will.

    Why would you say the advertising of this project is a complete falsehood?

    The Construct team has NEVER advertised that their licensed versions get some special support over the non-licensed one. They encourage the support using the forum, and whether you like it or not that's a fact and due to the understaffed situation that you so rudely pointed out, i think they cannot commit to more than that for the time being.

    That doesn't mean you have to conform with the support situation. I think you're always free to suggest Ashley some other ways to address support and ask them what's are the plans for this in the future, but they certainly have never advertised falsehood in the past.

    I'm not even going to fall into an argument with you about the semantics of programming. That's just you trying to troll.

    When somebody is trying to find a software where you create something without programming, i'm betting most of the time they are avoiding "proper programming languages" <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> Not logic or arithmetic that most of us are expected to get in basic education.

    Did you have a problem with the basic algebra skills required?

  • Ashley, it appears that you don't even have to set Personal edition to Beta.

    As they are both retrieving files from the same folder, as long as you opt for Beta in free, and it updates, Personal will load as 117.

    Basically, for some strange reason opting for Beta in Free updates the client, but opting for beta in Personal won't do anything. At least for me and some others.

  • If you uninstall the personal Construct. Then install the free Construct, opt for beta on the Free, restart, it will update the Free to the latest one. Then if you install the Personal Construct it will load as the latest beta version :P

    It's just a workaround, but will do for the moment.

  • If you uninstall the personal Construct. Then install the free Construct, opt for beta on the Free, restart, it will update the Free to the latest one. Then if you install the Personal Construct it will load as the latest beta version :P

    It's just a workaround, but will do for the moment.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Tried that but it reverts to FREE edition, i lose my license.




    > > The version on Steam is the latest. But it's the latest stable version, as in, the most reliable one. The newer ones are beta versions, and they aren't as reliable.

    > >

    > > You can download both from Steam, just right-click Construct 2, go to properties and select the "beta" tab, and change the option.

    > >

    > > It doesn't work for me because of some bug.


    > I've done this. It just doesn't offer me any beta updates after selecting from the dropdown menu. I've uninstalled construct and downloaed it again from Steam, and it still will install v 114.


    > Any other suggestions?

    I got it to work by downloading the latest version from here:


    And installing it on Construct's Steam folder ("c:/program files/steam/steamapps/your name/common/construct 2" or something like that).

    Actually I installed it on a regular folder, then selected everything and copy/pasted onto it's Steam folder, and it worked. Not sure if it's advisable though. I'm pretty sure this is a bug with Steam, since they're new with apps and such.

  • That would be me. Indeed, we're having the same issue.

    it justs r114. Doesn't seem to be updating to beta.

  • The version on Steam is the latest. But it's the latest stable version, as in, the most reliable one. The newer ones are beta versions, and they aren't as reliable.

    You can download both from Steam, just right-click Construct 2, go to properties and select the "beta" tab, and change the option.

    It doesn't work for me because of some bug.

    I've done this. It just doesn't offer me any beta updates after selecting from the dropdown menu. I've uninstalled construct and downloaed it again from Steam, and it still will install v 114.

    Any other suggestions?

  • I'm already regretting to've bought this on Steam. Should've thought this through.

    I feel like we will be able in "disadvantage" with non steam versions.

    I haven't been able to download the beta versions neither. What can we do?