wookalar's Forum Posts

  • Thanks Lucid!!

  • i'm really looking forward to the bones working! ;)

    Thanks for all your hard work!

  • Great questions, I too am VERY interested in developing for the Ouya. Ive been developing games for 15 years on every major console, its so great to see an open console coming. Ive seen games go from 2D to 3D, and back to 2D again. I worked with original 2600 & arcade atari developers, their hearts seemed to break in 1998 when games went 3D (PS1).. I can only imagine their joy to see where we have ended up and where we are going! Enjoy your freedom!

  • Has anyone found a workaround for this?   I cant get to the art under a sprite on the same layer without moving it out of the way, very destructive. even when I select it in the list, I go to move it and it deselects and selects something else in front...


  • This actually helped me allot! thanks, I also saw it there but didn't put the two together... I added "music" to the tag and can now stop it anytime with sound stop. My mistake was I was putting the name of the audio file in the stop's quotes...

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  • looks great, thanks for the updates!

  • Same result here as Nemo, doesn't work in root or in the cocoonJS android app... its still awesome though.

    Also, Just bought a pre-order :) keep up the good work!

  • Thanks for the info! Helped me gwtting touch working, but now I have an issue where the audio keeps playing on touch, whats the best way to play a sound just once, or until touch is lifted?


  • I don't think the plugin for construct2 supports bones yet, but he said its planned. I can't wait myself, have a bunch of boned animations all ready to go. I want to buy spriter but not until I can test the bones in construct. either way its such a well made tool, Im very confidant it will be awesome.

  • I would also love this feature! thanks for the plugin, such a smoother cam :)    How would I offset the camera now using a dummy sprite? (newbie)


  • looking forward to it as well!! Thanks

  • Nice job wookalar! Are you the narrator? It kind of reminds me of Dr. Seuss but you definitely have an original style. It makes me lol in a good way. Keep at it.

    heheh cool thanks! I want to really go in a more Suess direction, thinking of ways to send smelly goat to a weird world, have a few ideas. Im not the narrator , but wrote it. Its actually narrated by computer, from HERE

  • Thank you! Still working on it... updated with a video title screen...

  • Thanks!! I was going to move on to something else, but since you guys like it I'll try to keep going

  • Thanks! any audio issues for anyone? I notice when i play off the web i get late audio effects, should I add a preload for every sound effect when it starts?
