the woods's Forum Posts

  • 8 posts
  • As mentioned by squiddster, c2 can export to exe.

    does that mean if i wrote a program in html i could convert it to an exe file?

  • While node webkit uses OpenGL and html5, if you made the same game in both CC and c2 you probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference. Don't let the web technologies fool you, c2 is quite superior in almost every way. It even renders faster than CC does!

    well unfortunatey that is the dead end for me, exe only im afraid, if c2 was able to do this then that would have been great, do they not have an option where you can choose?

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  • Construct 2's exe export is excellent - what is it missing?

    i dont want a web based application and i dont want to make web based games, i want to make diret x games with an exe, i dont know about the export bit

  • i really only want to use exe.

  • LOOK MAN, I would like to start using construct classic but is there any point in learning it? there does not seen to be much support for it, is it being phased out? I mean there is game maker out there, and while i dont think it is as user friendly there is heaps more support for it (so it seems), and an app is as only as good as the support right?

  • Just wondering if there are any tuts for classic, dont want to start one and finding out its for url

  • thanks but all those tuts are aimed at con 2, i was hoping to get into classic con :(

  • Hello i want to make a game, are there any examples and tutorials its like a maze here!

  • 8 posts