winterbolt's Forum Posts

  • 4 posts
  • Thanks Really Great Used It In My Survival Game!

  • Hello Guys, I Have Created A HUGE Top Down Survival Game But We Had A Little Problem When We Tree We Wanted It To Shake When Hit By The Player We Made An Animation But When We Added It To On Collision With Object PlayerHandAxe It Kept Reloading The Animation Even When The Axe Dis-Collides With It If You Have Any Idea About What Is The Problem Please Tell Me Here!

    Thanks For Your Interest!

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  • Hello I am a nine year old game developer. Sense there is no age limit, I can sign up! Btw thanks scirra! But anyways I love programming and making games. That's why I got construct two! So yeah piece!

    Keep On I Started Programming When I Was 9 And Now Iam 27 And A ELITE PROGRAMMER

  • Hello Constructors Today I Started Using Construct 2 Which I Saw It On My Friend's Computer It Was Great When I Asked Him What Is This

    He Told Me This Is Construct 2 I Quickly Through The Mouse And Ran Like A Crazy Truck To My House I Started Downloading Construct 2 Directly !!!

    I Was Surprised How Quickly I Made A Top Down Shooter!! Great I Thanked My God That i Found A Program That I Was In JavaScript,Lue,C#,C++ For EONS this One Saved Me!!!


  • 4 posts