winkr7's Forum Posts

  • SOme would say a metal band is sound, whereas ABBA is music. Not taking a position, I am just saying thats what some people say.



  • Ashley;

    Yes, cut works and paste. Copy and paste and delete puts the 2 on the functions--so cut worked fine.

    Thanks lots.



  • Hello;

    I have a group of functions in one event sheet. I want to move them out to a library event sheet and include them in the original event sheet. Its just house keeping.

    When I copy the group to another sheet it puts a two on all the functions end.

    When I delete the group from the first event sheet it deletes all the function calls.

    If I copy the group, then delete the group then paste it onto the second sheet it doesn't put a 2 on the end of them all, but it still deletes them all from the first sheet.

    Let me know if you have a way of doing this.



  • Ashley;

    Thanks for looking into it. I have to log in again on 3 different PCs and 2 different androids. It isn't that big a deal, except I can't use C3 on my commute (since I can't log in again each time). Maybe it is just my account or something. I submitted a bug report through standard channels.



  • Hello;

    Since about 1pm EST I have to log in every time I bring up C3, both PC and android. I suspect the server that checks if you paid is down or something? Once I log in again it is all fine. Doesn't it check every 7 days or so to see if you have a valid paid up C3 account?



  • Find all your uses of PlayerPoints4 using search. Perhaps you are adding to it elsewhere as well?

    Find all your uses of txtPlayerPoints4 using search. Perhaps you are putting something other than PlayerPoints4 into the text?

  • Thanks AlanR and Plinkie;

    the moves the knight has depend on location, armor, wounds, how far he moved already etc. So it needs to be a function about stuff that pertains to a knight.

    The mobil family is associated with the user interface and I want to highlight how far a piece can go. I should be able to write all the code for the mobil family without knowing anything about what a knight does or how it calculates the moves etc. When I make something a member of the mobil family it gets all the user interface stuff so long as knight can provide what the mobil family expects of a family member (like being able to tell me how far it can move, whose side it is on, is certain terrain forbidden etc).

    Unfortunately it seems like the mobil family has to know about the kight since it has to get to the moves function somehow for the knight (or rogue or something I haven't thought of the user may need to move). In other languages I can do this since I just have to write a getMoves routine and then override it if the mobil happens to be a knight--but I don't need to know beforehand that I have a knight when I write the mobil code.

    I appreciate your comments and your time.



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  • plinkie--thanks for the response.

    You are suggesting I populate a numberOfMoves variable that is a family variable at the mobile level with a call to a function at the Knight,or Rogue level? The mobile family does not know if it is a knight or a rogue as well, so it still has to casts itself as a knight and call the function that populates the numberOfMoves variable in mobile--and then it has to call rogue as well in case it was a rogue etc for every other possibility.

    Or perhaps I don't understand what you are suggesting?



  • Hello;

    I have a family called mobile--which needs to find out how many moves it gets from other families, knight(5 moves) and rogue(7 moves).

    I have a function getMoves that accepts mobile UID as an arguement and then casts it first as a knight and then as a rogue to get my moves (5 or 7). This seems kind of like a Kludge. In a full Object language Knight or Rogue would override the mobile getMoves function.

    Is this the best way to do this?

    thanks for your time.



  • Hello;

    Suppose I want to transfer two pinned sprites and their current instance variable values to another layout. If I have a global Hud layer that both layouts share I can stick them on the Hud (out of sight perhaps) leave the first layout and then transfer to the new layout and copy the pinned sprites off the hud onto a layer in the second layout. (all while the game is running, I am not talking about doing this in the editor).

    This won't upset the UID count or anything, bringing in UIDs from another layout since they are all unique anyway? This should work shouldn't it? So I don't need a bunch of global sprites? SInce the UID didn't change they should stay pinned?

    thanks for your time



  • Hello:

    I want to send an error message to the console (using log in the browser plugin).

    I want to let myself know what function sent the error message. Is there a way

    to find out the name of the function? (I know I can just type it in, but function

    names get changed).

    thanks for your time.


  • do 9 random numbers and make the last one non-random so they all add up. The last one will actually be random since it is based on 9 random numbers.

  • Fluid flow vector fields are outlined in this article. This isn't artificial intelligence but it is a cell by cell calculation.

  • Hello;

    I want a function as follows functions.duplicate(objectUID) return (UID of new identical object).

    The function accepts one argument the UID of the object to be duplicated it returns one argument the UID of the duplicate object the function created.

    If I could just do it for a sprite I would be happy.

    (I need to do this while the game is running. I know how to do it in the editor)

    thanks for your time.

  • My games run fine on early android. I don't know the details about how sprite sheets work, but I don't have trouble with the android versions. I bought random used androids on ebay just to see. Even the kids toy androids worked from years back. This is C3 with the most recent runtime last stable release (no adds or non standard plugins).