Windwalker's Forum Posts

  • The nature of what you are trying to do is very closely related with arrays, and iterative loops, and as an extension, functions. You can do without them but it's much easier with these. A quiz if I understand correctly will at least have a question database and answers related... Don't make the graphics fool you, there are many incredibly complex algorithms running on many, graphicless environments. Besides, simple use of arrays and loops is actually beginner stuff. C2 is VERY suitable for beginners no matter what you want to achieve, especially so when compared to other similar, programs.

    Let off some steam, Bennett. You say you won't give up, so hopefully, when you make a couple running examples and see how easy it was, you will laugh at your own post Within a week, if you are really focused.

  • But it's a little bit too hard

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  • beardedeagle wow... 129.2 is very good score in this game so I'm very proud of my 190+.

  • Are you trying to compare animations of two different objects? Or two different instances of the same object?

  • Bravery! Someone turned Conway's game of life into a game. I hope people get interested in this. It's free even! Must wait until gf gets back so I can download and play it.

  • Did you try removing all the text boxes? You are using 5 of them, try using spritefonts (dont go into detail, just use the standard spritefont and check if there is difference). I don't have any iphones but it runs fluidly on my bb10. Removing text objects made it gain 5-10 frames on my pc debug preview. I think it will help. iOs is a little bit problem becuase of js handling, cocoonjs helps.

  • Cuteness and fun overload! Excellent,sir!

  • Flight mechanic is perfect!

    Two minor points: adding a blur effect, or just outrigt using sligthly blurred background can help the eye. Currently background is too sharp and it's hard to distinguish from player plane sometimes.

    And a small thruster sprite towards the ground which activates when user clicks, a vertical thruster, would be nice

    Otherwise nice little game, congrats

  • Very nice, but a ninja should definately be able to double jump

  • In the browser we can play only one level right? This is really fine little game

  • This is beautiful program, very clean, very polished and actually useful. Well done, sir, you won the internet today.

  • Could you make a gampley video

  • The fish are beautiful! how did you get the graphics? They definately need more frames, though, and the animations are a little bti jitterry. Nice looking! Maybe some water effects will go good with this.

  • Yeah I was waiting for this one.

    Very interesting concept, theme, environments and atmosphere. It's alien but it also is somewhat natural or familiar. Maybe we are a microorganism inside a body? Maybe we are going to be the hive queen of some alien race one day? It feels rich and nice.

    Besides the obvious placeholder graphics especially in introduction boxes (nice implementation by the way) there a couple things, though.

    The environments are fantastic in design, it's a sin not to show them as much as you can. The game resolution is too low, and when I zoom in chrome it gets blurry. I think this games graphical design definately deserves HD. I don't know if you are targeting mobile, if not, I advice you find a way to implement this beautiful hand-drawn levels into game in somewhat better graphichal presentation, i.e higher resolution.

    Other than that, rush mechanic seems to be broken. It just jumps in a random direction, not in the direction I am facing. Since it's useful it needs a fix.

    Firing is good, but having to have to click for each shot is bad, especially when things don't die easily. The first mini-boss almost gave me carpal tunnel syndrome. I think it would be better to auto-shoot as long as the left mouse button is down.

    One of the rocks got stuck in a small pocket-like edge of the layout and I had really hard time trying to remove it from there to close the hole. After working for about two minutes I was able to remove it from the edge but it was a little bit disappointing. Maybe a workaround code for stuck rocks? Also while pushing things around the mechanics are not consistent, sometimes pushes slowly, sometimes kicks away to a distance.

    I know I sounded a mouthfull here but I am really interested in this game and where it can go, so when these rugged edges are fixed I will gladly play it. It's real potential, exciting to think interactions / competition between npc species, maybe using these strifes to beat otherwise very difficult situations, evolving to something else when you have enough food etc.

    Can't wait.

  • You are welcome sir. Please share the updates as well, I really would like to see where this one goes.