Windwalker's Forum Posts

  • > Hey Nimitrix, I cant place a distance condition anywhere on conditions? How do I create a condition including a distance expression?


    Use any comparison condition, like one you'll find for instance variables. Place the distance formula in the empty box. If necessary, system menu offers 'compare two values' where you can compare any two values you choose.

    Thanks Nimitrix, yesterday late into night I solved it out thanks to you :)

  • Thanks cesisco I will tinker with settings today and let you know the result :)

  • Hey Nimitrix, I cant place a distance condition anywhere on conditions? How do I create a condition including a distance expression?

  • Hello everyone.

    I think I overdid myself today and now can't even see the most basic things I need to see. I checked the forums and tutorials and some capx's, but still no find.

    Here is the thing: I want my turrets to play a "shutdown" animation when player moves a set distance away from them, ie the turret loses it's target. I'm reading everywhere a system.distance expression but I can't find a way to implement the desired effect.

    The reverse is easy, when target acquired I play the "powering up" animation. But there is no set "on target lost" condition for turrets.

    Help ? :)

  • zatyka: thanks alot man, yesterday I was on math lesson to be able to find equations such as these :)

  • Hey Cesisco, could you help me with the magicam (or magicam-like) settings? I tinkered around quite a bit but couldn't make it smooth with lag like yours.

    Best Regards;

  • For these kinds of situations I decided to take math lessons. It is possible by using various formulae. You can formulate a line if you know positions of two dots on it. You can do this for two lines and then use the two functions in a mathematical expression to decide if the collide and where they collide.

    I am not there yet but I will surely go. In the meantime, it seems I will have to fiddle with various algorithms and values in them.

    For now, you could use a grid, and then check each square to see if they are colliding with both the lines, but this would cause problems with low-angle crossings. If you are going for angles closer to 90, it should give an estimation. Even if you got more than one crossing grid square, you could just find the middle point between their locations to increase accuracy.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hello everyone.

    I met construct 2 last week. Before that I was working with XNA, at avery amateur level but I was able to bring together a shot'em up. But MS gave up on XNA and I was searching on where to move next. When I first found construct 2 I quickly thought: "oh another useless 2d engine" but I was so very wrong. I must congragulate the fine people who brought it together.

    So now I have a handy tool that can make me go some ways into making a real game, which can be played by people. When your dreams come closer into your range of sight, you come into that dilemma. What kind of game to make?

    I always had this idea in my mind. It is complex, against the new trends, can easily become a disaster. But it was my dream for a long time. However now I have the tool that can make it a bestseller if I "dumb it down" so to say, change it fundamentally that it is no longer my dream but something people on average would like.

    Now I quickly found the answer to this question, I decided to stick to my ways, no matter what. But if there are other people out there that is having the same dilemma, I think this may be worth reading:

    Your game requires the heart of a human sacrifice:

    Best Regards;

  • This is very active place. I just got helped by people in 30 minutes of posting something, and the help opened up new possibilities and I gathered my events together in some fashion and fps went up greatly oh my god I am poisioned!

  • Hello Bruno,

    I was looking for a similar thing and found this topic which includes some instructions that were just a little bit beyond my grasp but maybe it will help you:


  • It worked! Thanks Geo!

  • Geometrix, I moved it up but it didn't work either. Though I really don't know why I couldn't think of doing it the sub-evet way. I started only couple days ago, so fresh... Thanks for the help, I will try it that way.

  • It sounds awesome but I am forbidden?

    Best Regards;

  • Hello everyone.

    I have a peculiar situation at hand. I crated a sprite, gave it turret behaviour, added two different bullet sprites (red and green) and want the turret to shoot a random bullet each time. (there is also an irrelevant trick where turret shoots in irregular intervals as you will see.) Below is what I came up with:

    global variable what to shoot = 1


    on turret shoot

    whattoshoot = 1


    create object redbullet on layer 1 at enemybird image point 1 x and y

    play sound

    set redbullet angle to enemybird.angle

    set turret rate of fire to 4-random(1,2.5)

    set whattoshoot to round(random(0.9,2.1)


    on turret shoot

    whattoshoot = 2


    create object greenbullet on layer 1 at enemybird image point 1 x and y

    play sound

    set greenbullet angle to enemybird.angle

    set turret rate of fire to 4-random(1,2.5)

    set whattoshoot to round(random(0.9,2.1)

    supposedly the enemybird will either shoot a green bullet or a red bullet, then random will create between 0.9 and 2.1 and round will change it to either 1 or 2. so next time relevant bullet will shoot. And it works! But sometimes, it shoots both bullets together. There is no other event outside of these related to turret behaviour or bullets. Does anyone have any idea what I could be doing wrong?

  • Ohh excellent :D Would be nice to see in a touch environment :D