Windwalker's Forum Posts

  • Nice neat little thingy :)

  • this is looking awesome, man.

  • gillenew please, please more of this, I really need a nice shoot'em up/right/whatever.

  • jesblood I don't think this is possible. You can only do pseudo 3D. What you can do is to have an animation of the globe and change the displayed frame according to input.

  • Allchix did you try preloading sounds? Maybe it will fix the delay?

  • This could be a very nice game mechanic, maybe a boss fight, maybe something even more core gamplay... That's awesome!

    christina it seems it also need an effect called threshold, could you supply a link as well?

  • Instead of going into very deep maths, you could try to use tricks. Invisible sprites patrolling between two other invisible sprites that spawn bullets every.x secons can be used to create a grid of bullets, if placed correctly. Combined with sine behaviour and maybe even car behaviour you can do some interesting patterns.

    So basically: Some number of invisible sprites spawning bullets and moving and/or rotating around should do the trick I guess...

  • After creating the array, you could wait 0 seconds, because I believe some object properties do not become available the moment they are created. Waiting 1 second wouldn't make it. I am not sure, but could you give a try?

  • Hello all,

    I know it's possible to construct a tile-based movement system within events... But when you consider all the work, and add to it the need to do the same for AI routines, this may become a lot to tackle, especially for newcomers.

    Last months we have seen a lot of people working on tile-based movement and some of them even gave up as they couldn't get what they want to do just right.

    So maybe a tile-based movement system could be very nice? You could theoritically set a tile size just like tilemap, and pressing the wasd or arrow kesy would move the object around, alternatively you could simulate controls for AI.

    Add to it some A* distance calculator (maybe pathfinding behaviour itself?), a couple expressions and viola!?

  • You can use a local global variable named pickedUID. Then, condition: on marker collision with platform, action: pickedUID=platform.UID If I get you right.

  • gullberg86 I think you can design the whole level in photoshop, then paste it into C2 as a large sprite or tiled background, disable it's collisions... Than add another layer, and fill it with invisible sprite rectangles with collision, which you can deliver around the level to make neccessary pieces solid. However, making piece by piece level objects and designing your level inside c2 is much more helpfull, as especially if you have large levels, the above method may be slow.

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  • This is deadly! I wonder what the result would be along with some binaural beats instead of this music.

  • retrodude the music of jet hero is going to haunt me for weeks I'm sure! Also the gameplay reminds me of an old game I used to play but can't get the name. "You can be a hero or a zero" and zero was red and had a sword like this. This is awesome, you should definately work on this!

  • R0J0hound dat math! Simple yet elegant. This is actually working extremely fast and solid! Sometime I notice bullets going missing when I fire in salvo's but I couldn't test this further. This is so awesome!

    EDIT: I think it's possible to add "diffX and diffY" variables if you don't want to place tilemap at "0,0". Just set them manually at startup and include in your math, but I'm just unsure how to.

  • What I tried for my RTS game under works was to have each Menu Object have an "IsActive" variable like mentioned above, and also Xcoord and Ycoord instance variables. I create and throw my HUD elements out of screen before startup. And when the menu is activated, I change the position of HUD elements to their corresponding locations(Xcoord,Ycoord). Upon deactivations I just send them to -500,-500. Since I am doing all of this in a seperate event sheet, as soon as I include them in any level, I automatically have a global solution.

    However, you have to decide Xcoord and Ycoord manually which takes a few tries. Also, since I used a lot of pin objects on my UI elements, it became a little bit of a messy code and I decided to look if there was a better alternative. Just my 2 cents.