I'm doing the BubblePop tutorial in LevelZero and have run into a problem. The instructions are to add
a system action, which is to create a bubble at the Spawner's X and Y coordinates. I click on Add Action, then
double-click on Spawner as the object to create an action from. Then I click on Spawn another Object as the
action to add. I get a window called Parameters for Spawner: Spawn Another Object. I choose the Bubble
as the object. The next line is Layer, the 3rd and last line is Image Point (the Parameters window in
LevelZero has a line for X and a line for Y, instead of one line that says Image Point). When I put
Spawner.X, Spawner.Y into the image point line, the Objects With Expressions window flashes and I get a message that points to the comma after Spawner.X--or to Spawner.Y if I leave the comma out--and says, "Syntax error, expression appears to end before here, are you missing something before it?" and won't let me proceed. What am I doing wrong?