William Hatake's Forum Posts

  • 10 posts
  • Plinkie thank you for wanting to help me, but I found a plugin that helped me with my problem.

  • ---English---

    Hello, my name is William, I am making a game of turn-based RPG, but I need help in time to create the registry of damage that needs to be shown during the battle in the Text Plugin.

    Anyone know how I can do that, a record of damage that has a scroll bar that shows the before and after damage as I scroll the mouse or climb a bar for up and down?


    Ol�, meu nome � William, eu estou fazendo um jogo de rpg baseado em turnos, mas estou precisando de ajuda na hora de cria o Registro de Dano que precisa ser mostrado durante a batalha no Plugin de Text.

    Alguem saberia como eu posso fazer isso, um registro de dano que tenha uma barra de rolagem que mostre os danos anteriores e posteriores conforme eu role o mouse ou suba uma barra para cima e para baixo?

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    <font color="gray">Space, currently in development for PC, OSX and Linux. A side scrolling shooter, platformer and all around space adventure. Due in 2014.</font>


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  • Space, currently in development for PC, OSX and Linux. A side scrolling shooter, platformer and all around space adventure. Due in 2014.

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  • send me pm that can I help you. brazilian here.

  • I am using Construct 2, thx for help me.

  • <font color=blue>-----------------Translated into American

    Can someone help me do something here?

    I'm building a strategy game based on shift and I could not do that here.

    I see it and beat an NPC and then return to the normal map and then start another fight with another character of that map and when I return to the NPC first killed this it again.

    How can I do for him is not it when I return to the map.

    Map of the Battle is called "Battle" is where it occurs after the fight I choose my opponent.

    Normal map which is what I can walk with my character and choose to fight the Enemy is called "Forest".

    I know you will say just use WebStorage but then comes the question, "how".</font>

    <font color=green>-----------------Traduzido para Portugu?s

    Alguem pode me ajudar a fazer uma coisa aqui?

    Estou construindo um jogo baseado Turno e Estrat?gia e n?o estou consegui fazer isso aqui.

    Eu vo la e derroto 1 Npc e depois volto para o Mapa normal e depois inicio outra luta com outro personagem do mesmo Mapa e quando volto o Npc que matei primeiro ta la denovo.

    Como posso fazer para que ele n?o esteja la quando eu volte ao mapa.

    Mapa das Batalha ? chamado de "Batalha" ele ? onde ocorre a luta depois que escolho meu oponente.

    Mapa normal que ? o que eu posso andar com meu Personagem e escolher o Inimigo para lutar ? chamado de "Floresta".

    Sei que voc?s poder?o dizer ? s? usar WebStorage mas ai vem a pergunta, "Como?".</font>

  • Yes it was the error in the 'event include sheet' ta not working anymore so do not know why Ashley put the power to return for 'event include sheet' if it goes with many hand tools that precisely this.

  • Ashley did not ta know why giving this error, I was creating the game in version 95 and then upgraded to 96 know that it's Beta testing came over here to report this error so that it can be fixed in next update.

    When updated, and click on 'Run' to test the preview it does not load is that the geito ta Screenshorts I took this to help you discover an error.

    <img src="http://i.imgur.com/owvK3.jpg" border="0" />

  • 10 posts