wilfryed's Forum Posts

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  • Yup I think it's because of outlines if you think you failed! But try again and again, until you find your style!

    The brief of the game :

    You're an inkman, and you have to make some tatoo for random people, then for each people there's a level, you need to found all the items who compose the tatoo, the three jar of ink on the right top of the screen is your 'life bar". And well, villains and traps of course!

    Just a platform game.

  • Ahah well, to be honest, my fav part of create a game was the graphic part, and then put a looooooooot of some pixelart into!

    Thx a lot!

  • Oh! Ok! There's a terible mistake in my post so, the first link was my last game who's actually still in dev.

    In this topic you have to check the last link!

    Anyway thanks a lot for the solution!

  • Hey thx for your comment! Even if I don't understand all your advice :D

    So, what's the prb with the heat bar? I mean I don't think there is a prb with the "size of pixels" or need to snap to the grid.

    And well, before thinking of the death, I need to think about the game :D

    Anyway, thank you again!

  • Hey!

    Thanks all!

    Ahah I love the way the hair changes too :D

  • Hey!

    Because I've more free time (but not enough money to buy a licence and then finish imfuckincold) I've start a new little platform game.

    I'll try work on it a little each day, or each night ahah!

    Here is the game :

    The Ink Man


    • problem when I try to add an animation after the player land on the ground
    • problem with "spawning object", I want spawn one object after the frame 2 of an animation B and then going on the begining of the animation A
    • some errors with collisions



    • fight sprite (spawn a stone)
    • spawn stone (hold key Z)
    • ennemies


    • falling sprite
    • crouch sprite
    • talk sprite (hold key A)
  • Hey!

    Tonight I try to use some maths functions, again, and to be honest I become mad, again.

    So, here's my problem:

    I have a layer A with a sprite A at the position X,Y.

    I have a layer B with a sprite B at the position X,Y.

    When I turn on the left or right the layer B turns on the left or right.

    My problems is that I want the sprite B keeps the same position that sprite A.

    I'm pretty sure I need to use some cos and sin ... but hum, I guess it's never too late to teach some good tricks?

    So if anyone wanna helps me!

    If you need the .capx :


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  • Oh I'm feeling stupid because before the tuto I was mad with your game, but know I understand, and well, it's really good game!

    Good job.

  • Ahah ok, so I'm sorry because I've update a lot of time, like a crzay man.

  • Mmmh actually I can't update my game because of the Internal Servor Error.

  • Yup!

    My problem is that when I share a topic I've created on Facebook, the picture who illustrate the link wasn't my picture profile but one of someone you wrote a comment. It's not really an issue, but well it's just not really pretty when the picture was a dog! :D

  • I can't login when I use my HTC, so a mobile version will be great!

  • AngeloFernandes : Well I use no scale for my graphics, I just made that like that, I think that was neat! (maybe this question was just a pov). Thank you for the feedback about bugs and difficulty! And I'm sure I'll be really happy when I reach the stage of the creation of the music!

    Weishaupt : Play again, now you got your restart button!

    Check the link on the head of the topic, I just fix some bugs and make some update!

  • I'll do this with Photoshop, really easy.