WildboreMarco's Forum Posts

  • 4 posts
  • Greetings to all, I have a question to avoid using the wrong way to make a simple game as described in the picture below.

    By pressing the buttons o and p the game area rotate clockwise and counterclockwise around its center of mass, the aim is to drop the ball in the goal.

    What do you think is the best way to make this game? I shold start using phisics or a simple platform? Someone can indicate me an example of a game similar to study and copy ?

    I know it's a very general question , but is just to getting started in the best way.

    Thank you all.

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  • YES! it works fine, thanks very much people.

    The right code is:

  • set layer angle to


    Sorry but not seemed to work

    Layer rotate by 1 degrees and stop rotation, i need to include another event?

    Thank you.

  • I'm new in this forum, excuse me for my bad english.

    I tried to make a layer Rotate continuosly when the key "o" and "p" are pressed in clockwise and counterclockwise direction.

    I've tried with the event shown below:

    Keyboard - O is down – System - Set layer 1 angle to LayerAngle(0)+10 degrees

    But layer rotate by 10 degree and stop, i don't know how to continue the rotation.

    Anyone can help me?

    Regards and happy new year to anyone in the forum.

  • 4 posts