Wigriff's Forum Posts

  • It is a spambot that will eventually insert a link.

    So he isn't a Nigerian Prince with a large inheritance for me? :(

  • The other issue I am having with making my player interact correctly with trees is a z order problem, I believe. I have browsed the forums looking for a solution, but so far I haven't found any.

    Basically, I want the player sprite to look like he is standing in front of a tree if he logically SHOULD be standing "in front" of a tree, and I want him standing behind a tree if he should be standing "behind" a tree. So far I have him permanently z-ordered behind the trees.

    This is a test level with some placeholder graphics for the UI and no animation, so please excuse the awful presentation. I just want to show an example of how it is currently working.


    We are making a tower defense game along the lines of Pixel Junk Monsters if anyone here has played it on PS3. If you watch some PJM gameplay footage you will see how their player interacts with trees. We aren't cloning the game, but we pretty much cloned their 1st level because we figured if we can make a PJM level first with all the core functionality, we can just adjust things from there.

  • Well I'll be damned... I don't know why that didn't work for me. I'm almost positive I tried that and variations of that at some point. Maybe something else in my event chain was interfering with it since my event chain is more complex. Hmmm...

    Well, the moral of this story is to definitely use Vee's simpler, more concise example if it works, and if not use the complex, convoluted example I previously posted. ;) lol

  • Is there no way to force garbage collection through a plugin though Ashley?

    Ex. stackoverflow.com/questions/3034179/javascript-force-gc-collection-forcefully-free-object

  • That doesn't work for the same reason that my original couple of simple ideas didn't work: there might be 30 trees on the map, but there is really only 1 "tree." You have to use the UIDs to distinguish between different instances of trees in order to individualize each tree, or else the opacity will be set to 75% for each consecutive tree you walk into without it reverting to 100% until you aren't touching ANY trees.

    You just end up with half of the trees being transparent that way. :)

  • We are working on functionality very similar to this right now. I will be sure and post here anything we work out that can help propel this topic forward. It may be awhile though, so don't expect a post tomorrow or anything. ;)

  • Try Construct 3

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  • This is what the functionality looks like for anyone in the future who stumbles across a similar problem. Thanks for all the help guys!

    <img src="http://i44.tinypic.com/2vknkae.jpg" border="0" />

  • A-HA! I fixed it by slightly modifying the last .ZIP blackhornet sent.

    Player is not overlapping tree

       Trigger once while true > Tree opacity 100%

  • I'll try forcing it and see if it works. Hopefully the conditions don't press charges.

  • Thanks for the blackhornet. The code worked brilliantly for solving the majority of the problem, but now the last tree touched won't revert to 100% opacity when I leave the trees. I tried adding an additional condition for "when player is no longer overlapping tree, set opacity to 100%." That didn't solve the problem.

    You got me really close though. Brilliant. I certainly appreciate it very much, and the extra effort you put into re-posting the link since the initial link was dead. Kudos sir. Let me know if there is anything I can help you with.

  • Er, that last post was supposed to quote the SpookyQuest post. That's what I was referring to. heh

  • I LOVE it!

  • I have the Steam version, and I have had some problems with it. First off, I made the mistake of launching the client without having Steam connected and it launched the free version. I was confused at first, but quickly realized that the client had to identify with the Steam servers to work properly.

    When I then connected Steam, it still wasn't seeing the licensed version for some reason, so I had to uninstall Construct and reinstall it from Steam. That worked, but now capx files can't be launched by double-clicking them, and don't show up with the Construct icon, nor are they identified as being affiliated with any program. I can still open them, but I have to manually open them from the Construct client. I have tried affiliating Construct with the files manually, but it doesn't work. I even tried uninstalling again, including all the registry entries, and reinstalling.

    Still no dice. :P

    I should have just bought Construct from the website like a sensible person.

  • The link to the capx isn't working. I think the hosting site is having DNS issues or something. I'll try again later. Thanks again. I really appreciate it.

  • Thank you very much. I have been at work all day so I didn't get to reply before now, but I really appreciate your expedient response. I will work on this problem tonight based upon the information you provided.

    I wish I could have replied to this without bumping the thread since it is such a focused issue. Sorry about that. :\</p>