Oh man , The good ol' help section :D
I didn't post for help for years , Oh well ...
So , as the title says , what's the best way to achieve a twinstick controller for mobile , A little demo of what i'n trying to achieve
The twin stick shouldn't pass the circle and the stick should also always set it's angle to thethumb position even if thethumb is not overlapping the stick ...
cheers ...
that's plain 3d , for now , I don't think it's possible in C2
... No , I'm seriously willing to buy your hand ...
Don't worry , as long as I'm not participating , you have a chance <img src="smileys/smiley29.gif" border="0" align="middle" />
( I'm sure you'll be able to do it , man , Good luck ... If you are stuck , just call me , Whiteclaws )
I'm myself building my own little RPG with procedurally generated dungeon , and believe me , you should really take that advice of C-7 seriously ...
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Everything is possible in C2 , just keep it 2D
Taking note of your rep , seems like you just started
You are too ambitious ...
And who said that it was only about quickshooters/platformers ?
we got an RPG in progress made with C2
Search courier
Yes , Just search for them ...
I'm not in , guys ! Take this opportunity to win some stuff ;)
Hey , I can bet 5$ that I'll do it vanilla , but I won't , cuz I'm lazeh :P ( Doh ! )
Anyways , cool beans !
Start up by doing some tutorials , because that is some extremely basic content you are asking for ... and you can't even dream of making a role-based game if you are just starting , Just get a feeling for the engine first and then get in to hard stuff ...
Store them in a database and get them using AJAX at runtime ...
No need for a math diploma , just learn the basic array knowledgeand you are good to go
I'm a kid too , You'll be impressed by the num of kids that do programming nowaday , lol , I can recommend you to not make animations for your game and make all your games with blocky art and then ask for someone to make you the sprites and pay him surely ...
Nope , it's possible , Just check out the Physics tutorial ...
They want large customers ? They'll get some ...
Now where's mah pocket ...
11 - Right-click on any event and click on toggle disabled
5 - Snap to grid and set the grid to 1,1
2 - Well , Having it on natively would be awesome but well ... For now , Use the good ol' text object
7 - You can load an array with JSON and set the JSON code to load while you play the game