Whiteclaws's Forum Posts

  • Could you explain it a bit more ?

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  • you will see problems like things not "dying" when they should, and your score not going up. Sorry 'bout the above reply

    I think he is just doing something wrong in his code

  • it looks rad :D

    Sorry but I am no artist ... I came here just with a tip for you , you could always post here if you don't find anything !


  • czar , do you always have the capx , I think I lost mine

  • Guys i wrote some things about a week ago.i asked for 3d inside construct or a different version of contsruct (c3 maybe) but i also mentionend that everytime we face problems with the exporters to ios and android the answer is ask ludei.

    Maybe Ashley is time to think again about native exports and not 3rd party solutions.i read the comments of people here and i think im in unity forum.Unfortunately i understand that many of us (including me when unity 4.3 comes up) will take another path.i dont care about the 90 euros i paid one year ago i learned a lot of things whith c2 but i dont see any future.Maybe im wrong but thats what i believe.

    Some said that unity has not the visual scripting method.That is not quite true.Unity has visual scripting methods from 3rd parties studios like playmaker, uscript, antares universe and a couple more(we have to pay for these,they are not free).Ok they seemed a lot messy and difficult than c2 visual scripting in the beginning but with practice anyone can achieve his goal.

    Ok debugger is a great tool but analysing a game and then the same game after the exporter has many problems sorry but it doesnt solve the problems at all.ludei updates are like the holidays!!it takes place every three months or so..

    Sometimes guys when you have clients its good to hear their needs and i thing that in the hierarchy of our needs the number 1 and faaaar from the second is DECENT NATIVE EXPORTERS.

    So my opinion is either to get rid from the homepage the android and ios exporters with the *asterisk*,and work for native inside c2 exporters or under the icons of android and ios exporters please write "whith ludei technology" or whatever.AND NOT at the bottom of the page with very tiny-scaled letters.Because if its my ablolute first touch with the gamedesign-development thing and see it before i buy it maybe i dont know what the asterisk really meens but in time...!saa@#$*#$%?!

    Well , that asterisk meant something , right ?

    Why re-invent the road , it's already pretty complex for a 1-man company to offer updates every 2 weeks , how about making a native exporter for EVERY platform , android , ios , etc ?

    They are like twenty at Ludei , and they can't get it done right , you want one man to do it ?

    But ... who knows , Ashley has already done the impossible <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    For everyone else complaining , please complain to the actual people behind the code , like Appmobi/Phonegab/Ludei

    Cheers !

    Edit : Hey , look what I found ,

    Appcelerometer , they call it !

    Could anyone test it out ?

    Oh look , something else !

  • "Bullet behavior":

    - Add "Bullet conditions" called "For each X distance traveled", where X - the number you specify. If you want to make some regular activities related to the distance traveled, this condition will be indispensable. Now for such action is necessary to establish a separate variable and perform a number of checks, which is not very convenient. In example, i need to reaction at 40, 80, 120 and 160 distance traveled - and "For each 40 distance traveled" save me))

    • if DistanceTraveled = floor(X)*
    • trigger the condition once

    ~ Do the actions

    *floor if you want it to trigger when the game starts and ceil if you want it to not trigger when the game starts

    "Sine behavior":

    - Add "Sine expressions" called "CycleCount", which will count the number of whole cycles have passed since the start of sine.

    CycleCount = -1

    • If ( CyclePosition = 0 )

    ~ Add 1 to CycleCount

    It's just about workarounds ...

  • Mac lion you using , I heard about a problem on leopard not a long ago ...

  • Not much people here know tigsource , it's a shame but well ...

  • *koof**koof*read...some...tutorials*koof*koof*



  • It is , You could do it in C2 by saving a file to a cloud service where multiple people can access the same file , or something like that ... and have the same files , and access it , every ticks for the 2 players

    1 tick , access and save , player one

    2 tick , access and save , player two

    I never tried it , and I don't know if it'll work , but yeah , it's just an idea

  • dhondon , I said 20$\hour , not 20$ per icon ...

    And a competent artist that knows his business would probably do it for less than an hour ...

    sosensible , depends on how much time it takes you to make 1 icon , but sincerely , I saw better artists that charge less than 20\h , I can comprehend that a real pro would charge more than 20$/h , but for that kind of person , an icon would be done in less than an hor

    I'm not into freelancing , but that's the info I got from seeing many portfolios

  • Don't take me wrong but ... It's always fun to see people ask for a full game and get deceived by the lack of responses , these types of posts make my day

  • This can be done , but yeah , there's not a lot of skilled people to do it ... You could make your own physics engine with a quadtree algorithm and it should work just fine on ios

    You could always search for CC examples

  • 25$ to 50$ , is too much for the skill you have , sincerely ...

    Most of the pro artists I know charge 20$/hour max , and most of them finish logos in less than that