I try for al long time to get someting working. I tried alot of things for my game. I got the issue when I give a Click mouse or touch event on a sprite, it dosnt matter what kind of Z order they are they all react one the same mouse button...
I made a little example of my problem; [attachment=0:1nb83l42][/attachment:1nb83l42]
How this works,
if you hit the Blue and Red box they got destroyed,
If you hit the Yellow box you got 5 points.
My problem i tried to show here: The player needs to click the Blue and Red box first before he gets to the yellow part en get his points. But every time you hit the Blue and after that the Red one you also hit the yellow one. Why? I cant figure it out. I tried variables, families.
Is there someone who got me a solution?? Before you give me your replay just test first of its working, Thank you,