WesdrasLink's Forum Posts

  • 8 posts
  • Hello! I trying to find a formula to calculate and set the frame of the animation in a sprite, but i can't.

    Basically, i have a sprite with 5 frames, 0 is empty, then there is 1, 2, 3 and 4.

    They are cracks that get bigger in crescent order, then i have a Max_HP and Actual_HP for the object, hp that decreases when i hit the object(Block) with a weapon using another variable in the weapon that represents the strength, so i did this:

    Set Block animation frame = MaxHP - ActualHP, if both is 5, then it works very well, but what if i wanted another object with more MaxHP/HP, i can't create a specific animation for every 1 unit of HP.

    So my question is, how do i make the frames match with the remaining HP for every object, like 8 HP but having only 5 frames?

    I can't find a solution.

  • PixelRebirth

    Yes, i am using this configuration.


    Thanks, i think this can help, however there is a lot of information that i can't understand yet, so i will take some time to figure out this.

    One thing i know for sure, my game will run at 60fps, the smoothing camera is not truly necessary, but what i really want is locking the camera in some areas, and in another areas the camera will be free to move, just like metroid. And I'm not the right to request a capx file, after all, you explanation was awesome, i am just dumb for now, i have to study more of this codes to learn more. Oh my brain will melt. hehehe.

  • Hello everyone, i am developing a Metroid-Vania like engine with mini-maps and stuff, but i having some problems with the camera style that i am using.

    First of all, i'm using a smoth following camera based on the area from the map that locks some rooms, and you have to enter to the camera follows the player to another screen yet in the same layout. The problem is when the player and the background with parallax effects, starts to shake, this happens when i have a room bigger than the screen size, since i am using 320x180 is a quadrant to make a room in the mini-map i have to use a sprite (called zone) with the condition if the player is overlaping this object and every tick, and for the action i use System\Scroll to:


    [b]Y:[/b] [code:hwr10nlg]lerp(scrolly,(clamp(Player.Y,zone.Y+(160),zone.Y+zone.Height-(160))),0.1*60*dt)[/code:hwr10nlg]
    This code seems to make the screen shakes too when you are walking and you stop.
    I made this video too, better images than words. [url=https://youtu.be/LOlK9hTLsUc]Movie[/url]
    So there is a way to fix this? Or there is a alternative way to do this? And sorry about the lag in this video.
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  • Oh! I see, i checked these posts, i understand now.

    Thank You for the support, i will buy from Scirra, it's a better choice for now.

  • Hey guys, I am planning to buy C2, but i don't know which version to buy, Steam or from Scirra Store.

    So my question is:

    What is the difference between the version of Scirra and Steam?

    However it is more affordable for me to buy from Steam, because the currency of my country.

  • Hi!

    This works, but i alread tried this, but the player have a ability to 'Crouch' when the key (Down) is down.

    But don't worry, i found an alternative way to avoid this problem, i will use you segestion plus will use the 'Crouch' command, and the player can't jump when crouched.

    Thanks for the help!

    <img src="smileys/smiley20.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hello!

    I'm building a platform Engine, and i got a problem that i can't fix.

    I have a 'jump-thru' platform that when the player is stepping in it, the keyboard(Down) is Down(holding) and the key 'x' is pressed, the player fall through this platform.

    The problem is, this 'X' key is the "JUMP" key, and whey i hold the key 'Down' and press the 'X', the player jumps but he doesn't fall through.

    So i was thinking if there is a possibility to prioritize the command fall through without disabling the JUMP command when the player is stepping in the Jump-Thru platform without holding the 'down' key.

    Thank You! <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hello! i'm WesdrasLink.

    I'am joining here to make games with C2, it's really cool and easy.

    See ya friends!

  • 8 posts