weltenschmid's Forum Posts

  • Okay, dug in further and I post - just to remember - some of the risen questions/points during the process:

    1. Tag became Label, which is less confusing, because Tag also means Day in German
    2. I used the english term for Renderer, Gain, Additive and more of these technical words
    3. Tried to spell out some of the On action, on event error or similar. Used 'Bei', 'Wenn' and 'Sobald' for 'On'.
    4. Translated some of the property names like 'ScreenState' or the like but I am unsure if this does not confuse technical terms for the sake of readability.

    By the way, anyone who wants a good spellcheck, might check mentor.duden.de for a strict syntax check. Most of the longer segments are double or triple checked with Leo, Google Translate and Google to ensure high quality.

    I wrote my thoughts or ideas in the comments in POEditor, expecially whilst bothering with ambigous words or sentences.

    So far, so good, so partey!

  • Hehey, begun to translate strings in POEditor. First thing I stumbled across is the term "renderer". Either I use the English term or something related to drawing/painting on the screen. Even leo.org is unsure and not quite exact when it comes to translation.

    Is there a technical word for "frame" in German?





    Somehow none of these are pleasing me but I am tending to Einzelbild.

    Translations which made me unsure. Right-down = von rechts nach unten?

    Construct 3 only supports right-down renderer order.

    Construct 3 unterstützt nur die Renderreihenfolge von rechts-unten.

    Add '{0}' image point to '{1}' animation

    Füge 'Bildpunktname' Bildpunkt zur 'Animationsname' Animation hinzu

    Would it not make more sense to put the names of the animation and image point after the descriptor? That would be:

    Füge Bildpunkt '{0}' zur Animation '{1}' hinzu

    Change instances '{0}' behaviour property '{1}' ({2})

    has become

    Ändere die Verhaltenseigenschaft '{1}' der Instanzen '{0}' ({2})

    where I'm not sure yet what word is used for behaviour. Furthermore is it one instance or more?

    Animations editor changes

    Änderungen im Animationseditor


    Änderungen am Animationseditor



    First twenty done... 7836 left to go...

    I will add more as I dig deeper into it and whenever I got some quiet time.

    • Post link icon

    Good to see this topic discussed. WrathOfAbe has put it together what I have experienced so far since R265. Wanted to downgrade but some of my projects were already saved in later versions.

    Was happy to see R277 being released. On my mid-range PC with 8Gigs of Ram it still crashes regularly. But at least it now takes some time. If I have an open browser or other ram swallowing programs running it will crash if I Alt-Tab over to or out of Construct. Sometimes just by clicking something in the editor. Same if I have more instances of Construct running. Always having my fingers crossed when I switch windows. Not exactly... most of the time I forget to save and this makes it pretty annoying. :-p

    Funny thing is right now - it works like a charm. Yesterday I was upset enough to install R265 again and after a while of pondering about I revoked my decision and installed R77 again. Now I have three instances of Construct, one program is test running in NWjs and an open browser with around 20 tabs. Opened the image editor, tabbed over, another image editor (still running?!?) then deleting some frames... writing some words in the forum, switching over and it works, whiskey tango foxtrot?!

    I will test this further but today it looks surprisingly good.

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  • Lezz bump this: Yay, no chance to get to him. Has anyone found this FX on the net or in this forum?

  • Hey there, recently bought your editor because it looked intuitive to use. But one thing annoys me is the selected cell's textbox dissapearing after a double click. No chance to quickly edit an entry as you have to select the entry first. Can you add a functionality so that the text of a selected cell is marked and double clicking the text box does not make it dissapear.

    Further I would like to see a clear function at the top. Can be useful sometimes. ;-)

    Anyway keep the good work up, cheers!

  • Just thought I ought to leave a shout. Hi there! Nice to meet you. Let's make Construct great once more! Woohoow!

  • Yay, just had the same problem in Colonel Justice's Stolfenwein for Construct 2. Just removed the lines undeadbobop mentioned in the runtime.js of the plugin. Works like a charm.

    By the way RealDannyyy you got a nice way to present your stuff! Like that!

  • Aw crap, can it be that posts randomly get deleted? Just posted the solution and a minute later the post was nowhere to see... might be that it suddenly may appear again. My post count is on two but the search just shows one?!? Schräg!

    Okay, got the quick fix. Just saw that they realized it as well in the MouseLock forum section and are working on an update. For us it's simple: Go to the the Construct 2\exporters\html5\plugins\MouseLock_Ver_0.5 Folder open runtime.js and at line 440 comment or delete the following lines:

    document.pointerLockElement =	/*document.pointerLockElement    	||
    										//commenting out the above line makes this work as intended. Don't know why.
    										document["mozPointerLockElement"]	||
    That does the trick! If you feel like tidying up you can set the MouseLock Object's property to single click and remove the left click event.   
    By the way, the RealDanyyy used the situation to his best and promoted his MouseLock plugin: [url]https://www.scirra.com/forum/new-simple-native-like-mouselocking-plugin_t199484[/url]
    Might be of interest to you?
    So now I feel like tinkering! Cheers!  
    Update: Didn't knew if it was me or was it just an illusion that you had hitting scenes in your screen shoots I thought. So I sought for the source of the missing hit. Don't know why you are setting the bullet's targets at the start of the layout and not at their creation time, but after changing it, the striking and shooting works again! Woot!   
  • Hey there, I'm currently trying to fix your Set'n'Get error occuring at the left mouse click. It's the plugin's spooky behaviour to throw an JS error when enabling the mouse lock. I am wondering if it is just me - or better my system - or has anyone else had the same problem?

    The game itself works well. Just to the point when it comes to hitting, shooting and finally dying.