Weleavefossils's Forum Posts

  • I uploaded my project to Dropbox and google drive and keep seeing the HTML code instead of my game. I've tried in Safari and chrome on my iPhone. What am I missing?

  • Events run about 60 times a seconds, so this is going to repeat 60 times a second UNLESS you add extra code to keep track of your current state. In this case add the extra condition: 'Compare two values' with DialogBubble.Count = 0

    Thanks so much! I have trouble with what type of values are available for objects. Any chance of directing me where they are documented in the manual?

  • Hello,

    I don't know if this is a silly question but I'm having trouble with using the System "Create Object" command creating the object over and over instead of just once.

    my Event looks like this:

    System < distance(player.x, player.x, npc.x, npc.y) > 200

    System < Create Object < DialogBubble

    Else < Destory DialogBubble

    When I test this...it's creating the Dialog Bubble over and over and over until I get further enough away to trigger the Destroy command.

  • > Thanks! Is that also what you use for dual monitor task bar?


    I'm using ultramon http://www.realtimesoft.com/ultramon/

    there are other softwares but this one has a lot of features for dual monitor setup.

    Thanks, I'll check it out. I previously tried desktop fusion but found it causing crashes and uninstalled.

  • Thanks! Is that also what you use for dual monitor task bar?

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  • How about when player is within line of sight, disable collision? Not sure if you would want to turn collision back on once it reached the player though.

  • might be helpful to see your events, but my guess is you have some other animation trigger that is stopping it. do you have a inverse condition for the button not being pressed down?

  • Are you using the platform behavior?

  • When you say "obstacle in the way" do you mean you want the enemy to jump over the obstacle or move through the obstacle?

  • I wonder if you could capture the actual time and store it as a variable. Then compare the real time with real time + 5 minutes.

  • Can you add some links to the tools you used? Curious to see what features yet offer.

  • I'm looking to creating a simple dialog system that when approaching an NPC it displays a icon that indicates to press a button to talk. When doing so, I want the screen to pause until the dialog is finished and the user presses the key again.

    Would like to create it as a function so that I can have different NPCs call it with a message ID and assuming a message table to contain the message text.

    Can anyone recommend a simple way to do this or recommend a tutorial? I seem to struggle with finding tutorial that meet my needs.


  • I would just make a counter, and every tick would add 1, and make a condition that if counter greater then a certain number, when player is on the floor, trigger once the damage stuff and reset counter.

    Thanks megatronx.

    I went with your idea and it seems to be working well. For anyone who may look at this thread, here are the steps I used:


    When falling from a large distance, the player will flash and loose 1 health.

  • interested in seeing how this was executed. I understand that VectorY can tell me the fall speed but how can I use that to determine if/when to trigger damage?

  • Sigmag thanks so much for all the details. I feel so OCD about resolution and image scaling.