Wanedeck's Forum Posts

  • hi everybody ,

    i want to stop sprite have bullet behavior on mouse mouse cursor,

    when any click sprite spawn a bullet i want this bullet to stop on mouse cursor not to keep moving and go out


    Change "On tap gesture" on your trigger. In your example is "When any click"

    Action is "Bullet - Set speed - 0"

  • Hello all. Firstly sorry for my bad english. I'm from Ukraine.

    Secondly - I have two project. And both have TextBox.

    In both project TextBox higher (on Y сoordinate) then 190px.

    When I compile and launch first project on Android - all works alright, but when compile and launch second project - appears a bug. The problem is that when I tap on TextBox - keyboard is displayed and hide back in that moment.

    First project haven't this bug, but that TextBox look like TextBox in second project.

    drive.google.com/open - Project #1

    drive.google.com/open - Project #2

    Please, help me, and find what is the difference between TextBoxes.

    Thank You.

  • remaining time or elapsed time?

    No and no. Custom time.

    For example - man was in cafe in 9pm. Now is 10pm. He whant to add that. And he need to choose 9pm, for add there.

    This is just example. I meen anybody can choose custom time. And that is what I want to create.

  • but you can set time.

    It's ok, but I need give to people the opportunity to choose custom time.

  • Hello all. Firstable sorry abouty bad english, i'm from Ukraine.

    Secondable - how I can call and show system (not self, made on C2) Android time selector?

    Like this:

    Or this:

    Thanks for all help!

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  • Hello. Firstable sorry about my bad english, i'm from Ukraine.

    Secondable - now I developing application on C2. For support maximum devices I use "Fullscreen in Broser = Scale Inner". But! When i compile in with Cocooin and launch on Android device, and tap on TextBox - keyboard just try to open. Keyboard closed automaticly in that second. I can't tap any symbol. What i do wrong?

    If my text is crap of letters - here is video of my proble. Video in not mine, I just find man with this problem, and he does not solve it.


    P.S. It is an application, and I need to show status bar, so in export setting "Hide status bar" is not checking.

    P.S.S In "Fullscreen in Browser - Letterbox scale" - all works ok, but I have two black lane left and right

  • Beforehand sorry about my english, I`m from russia.

    Hello. I try to made an application. Yes, it`s a not a game. An application. In C2.

    Resolution - 720x23623 px.

    And I have 5 groups of image (5 different sprites). Summarily there 574 images.

    I mean I have many objects and need to show all of them. And best way (I think) to show so much images in 5 groups - is made 5 sprites and many animations on each.


    But! This app is have laggs. I know - 574 (588 generally) images maybe many for one layout. But really in C2 can`t do what I want without laggs? Maybe switch off those images, who are not on display now?

    Please, help, if can... If C2 can do it..

  • Hello.

    Beforehand sorry about my not perfect English, i`m from Russia.

    I use Google (Of course search on scirra.com to) for search smooth scroll. But.

    But they have so many events, and not each smartphone (I try to develop application) can show 30fps.

    For example I use smartphone on Android 4.1(Prestigio 4055, if interested) and use so many methods for touch scroll and got 7-12fps. For another example - on the same smartphone I have many applications, which can touch scroll and havn`t any lagg.

    Can you help me?

  • To read:


    Make one family with all the objects in. Now, all those events, instead of dooing it for each object, do it only once for the familie.

    99Instances2Go, I haven't acces to PM, so write here. I hope you read it.

    Can I expect to you for make the search with many objects?

    No matter, with and object and many frames, or with many object each which have only 1 frame.. Can I expect to you for make the search with many objects?

    Please, answer.. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" />

  • I did some testing with you example and ive found something to help you get started

    Can you send .capx with your testing?

    I think about this search for several weeks in a row, and my brain now alredy boil..

  • Ok, if Gearworkdragon said that one object with many frames is not really suitable...

    That isnt possible so basically you want to break our realm by having one sprite with different parameter and condition as a well as positional based. That Is not really suitable.

    ...I make the same but with 1 frame in 1 object (I mean... 1 object have only 1 image, but project have many objects).

    99Instances2Go, maybe you can make the search like with 3 squares but here, with the many different object?

    Your idea is cool, but if i have many object - i need to do every function to every object (yes?).

    Please, if you can... I am begging you... Try, please..


  • To read:


    Make one family with all the objects in. Now, all those events, instead of dooing it for each object, do it only once for the familie.

    Ok, I see you're so smart! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" />

    Can you please do one more modification with almost the same project?

    But the difference is now I have only one sprite (with 10 frames) and each have his own parametr (variable "Name"). And now they are not at the periodical distance between each. They each have personal X and personal Y.


    Can you do search with this conditions and all opportunities of C2?

    Please... I really need it <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_confused.gif" alt=":?" title="Confused" />

  • Lets go out from the best.

    You work with the free version and therfor have no acces to families.

    I understand this can be frustrating at times.

    But it should not stop you from learning. Blaming the software while not knowing it, is not flattering for you.

    So, i took your project, and i played with it.

    With three reasons.

    First , to show you that even with the free version it is all possible. Secondly, to show that you have a lot to learn. And i give you something to start with. Third, i love playing.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/rei6jwbds2aha ... .capx?dl=0

    Oh, big, BIG thanks to you!

    And... I once spent money <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_surprised.gif" alt=":o" title="Surprised" /> and now... i have Business license.

    I mean... I have acces to families and etc.

    If it helps to make it easier - do, please <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /> <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" />

  • Hello.

    Beforehand sorry about my not perfect English, i`m from Russia.

    Ok, after few weeks of trying i giving up.

    Are "Construct 2" haven't normal search of objects?

    In my app which I made in C2 i have many of objects. And each and every one have their "arguments".

    And I want to do a search, like search in "Add event" or "Add action" window.

    I mean type in textbox word or part of the word, and system understand, which object satisfies what I type, which don't satisfies, and thoose who don't satisfies - go away, and toose who satisfies - move to their place.

    In example I try to show what I mean using buttons.

    You can not watch in "event sheet", because that just events for simple example.

    I trying do search with array, but have a many trouble.

    Is it even possible?

    Thanks for any help.

    Example - dropbox.com/s/cjfv02iby4t2mxr/cubes.capx

  • "Array("&Array.curX&",1) = "&Array.At(Array.CurX,1)&newline[/code:61f0yj57]
    Big thanks, bro