wandiola's Forum Posts

  • 14 posts
  • Hi everyone. Im making an infinite runner and i'm having a bit of a problem. The character running is actually static and I hace boxes spawining on the right of the screen with a bullet behaviour towards the character. Everything is okey until i land (after jumping ofcourse) with the character on top of a box. The character gets "sticked" to the box and "adopts" the movement of the box. I tried putting a bulet behaviour to the character but doesn't work. Do you have any ideas on how to solve this?

  • Omg, that was easy hahhaah thanks

  • Hi everyone. I tried looking for a solution for my problem in the forum and didn't get anything <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    I need to spawn an object every X seconds. Thats simple, but i need X to be a random number between 1 and 4.

    To make it clear, i need random objects (in a family already) yo respawn in random periods of time. Lets say a box will spawn, after 1 second another, after 2 seconds another, after 1 seconds another after 5 sefconds another one.

    I hope i made my self clear hahaha.

  • Same problem here! I could find that my problem is on my "first level" If I want to go to the first level or leave the first level I get that message. Could you fix it?

  • Hi, im tring to do a small game but can't find the way to make a good pathfinding mechanic. What I want to do (as you may see in the project) is to create random 'creatures' when I click the chest and I want those 'creatures' to follow me and try to kill me. At the same time, zombies respawn ever x seconds but they follow me only when they see me (big color squares represent area of view)

    The thing is, when the zombie sees me (contact with area of view) he follows me but to the coordinate to witch he last saw me, not for ever. Is there a way to do it for ever or for an amount of time?

    Thanks a lot!


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  • Yes, my bad! thanks anyways.. Topic can be closed, sory

  • Hi everyone i've being looking in the forum for a way to do this and couldn't find it.

    What i want to do is to spawn a random enemy when i click on an object.

    Sounds simple but i can't do it! haha.. can anyone help me?


  • That was it! Setting the partibles rate to 0 worked!!! Thanks

    Some other thing regarding terrain. I have a big circle (planet) thats turning constantly. Is there any way to make the collision parameters to a circular shape?


  • what do you mean when release?

  • Hi everyone today i started a little project and encountered an early problem. I want my space man to shoot particles out of his "jetpack" when i press the space bar. The particles shoot but they stay there for ever. I know I'm missing something really simple but can't find the way arround it.

    Here is the "project"


  • Got it!! Thank you guys!! Know my shotgut is upside down when it turns around. I'll try to fix it and let you know

  • Hmmm,, i can't really find "is between angles".. Maybe there is something i forgot

  • How do i "check" it :)

  • Hi every one! Im trying to make a simple shooting game and encounetered an early poblem. I want the weapon to point where the mouse is pointing. So i want the "character" sprite to turn around when the mouse is "behind" him. If you can check the game Shotgun Fun Fun, thats exactly what i want to do.

    This is everything i've done yet:

    dropbox.com/s/4xcf1gt6k9mpzxz/DHM.capx <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • 14 posts