WackyToaster's Forum Posts

  • Yes no maybe. If it´s not commercial then I guess it´s a maybe.

  • Like this. You should really read the documentation if you are new and look for basic stuff.


  • I mean is right here but I´ll just go ahead and give you a pointer in the right direction. Actually you sort of already know what to do.

    Basically the only way I can think of is using the pin behavior, which really isn't suitable for this, as it doesn't change scale relative to the object it is pinned to.

    The pin behavior roughly translates to "every tick set position/angle to other object" so with scale you just need to do the same thing. Obviously you have to find a bit of a formula to get the buttons into the right size but generally it´s really easy to do.

  • I just noticed that too. I usually am always online but right now I´m on the train and sadly there is no proper net and construct is not working offline. Even if I manage to get it started it won´t cache and shortly after will cease to preview projects when I lose the net again. It appears to be broken in the stable release since it works for me in the newest Beta.

  • Any ETA on the uploads? I want to update my plugin :V

  • Tilemaps don't have "layers" so you can't have two different tiles on the same position, you have to use a second tilemap (basically another layer) I mean you can also create tile variations for the overlaps but that will get out of hand quickly so don't do it unless you absolutely must have only one tilemap.

  • var myinstance = this._inst.GetWorldInfo();



    should do it. this._inst already references the instance so you don´t need to use GetInstance() again.

  • construct.net/make-games/manuals/addon-sdk/runtime-reference/base-classes/sdkbehaviorinstancebase


    You have to get the world info with GetWorldInfo()

    There you can use various Set methods (SetX(), SetY(),...)

    When everything is set you have to call SetBboxChanged() (this will draw the instance with the newly set properties)

  • A lot of Construct 2 Essential Plugins can't be ported to the C3runtime. Because of the lacking SDK features. A lot of Construct 3 plugins still doesn't support the C3Runtime. Either not yet, or can't.

    That´s why I decided to only support the c3runtime if I make a new plugin. It saves me the headache of supporting two runtimes that work differnetly (I bet Ashley can relate) not to mention one of them is going to be deprecated in the forseeable future.

    About the "lacking SDK features" and plugins that "can´t be ported"... what exactly is lacking and what plugins can´t be ported? I´ve never dabbled around in the SDK until recently so I dunno, I´ve heard that argument a couple of times but never with any specifics. Also... did Ashley say that he won´t implement these lacking features because reasons?

  • I think that's generally fine, I did it the same way. If it works, it works.

  • My b. But I still don´t get the Trigger thing. I´m calling


    and I have this setup

    But it will Trigger both wTween and wTween2 on complete, but I don´t see why.

    EDIT: I guess I kinda hacked my way around it, it feels hacky but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • The c3p is setup to produce the error. But I think I figured it out... I´m still on the stable release where that error does occur (or should occur when you just start the project) while it appears to be fixed on the latest beta and works fine. I guess you instinctively used the latest version? Could have thought about trying that earlier but it didn´t cross my mind.

    Now I just need to figure out the trigger thing.


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  • Here´s the plugin and the project I´m testing it with.


    Also while I´m at it, when I´m calling a trigger like you described in the documentation


    It calls it for both behaviors on the sprite (causing that jerky motion), but obviously I want to call it for a single one. How can I do that?


  • I have a behavior that I need to tick, but obviously I want it to stop ticking when not needed.

    So I call this._StopTicking(). This works fine until I add another instance (or object with the same behavior) into the layout, then I get this.

    Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'Tick' of undefined
     at C3.Runtime._BehaviorTick (runtime.js:1)
     at C3.Runtime.Step (runtime.js:1)

    I also have an action where I call it and the action causes no errors. I tried putting it into a trigger condition but that didn´t help. I also checked the "this" and there doesn´t seem to be anything wrong with it. Is it a bug or did I overlook something?

    I´m calling it in instance.js inside the Tick() function.

  • I mean, the GDPR thing did nothing much except, for a lack of better words, **** up everything and annoy everyone, developers and users alike.

    The fact that Scirra is awfully silent about the issue (though not entirely) is a different story. An issue like this should be pinned and updated/responed to imo.

    We've wasted 3 MONTHS of our subscriptions in a holding pattern waiting for this fix

    I understand what you are saying, but I hope you didn´t really just wait for 3 months. If you did... well maybe you should have used the time to polish the existing app, create a new one, prototype something, write a plugin that you could use, do some marketing,............ basically anything but waiting. It still sucks, but it would have not been a waste at least.

    other pointless features are added such as new templates

    I don´t know the inner workings of Scirra, but I doubt that the person responsible for the GDPR thingy is the same person who made new templates. And even if, maybe there was downtime like...

    It was really awfully timed aswell, since the new runtime was/is beeing worked on and they had to prioritize something, they can´t just drop everything. Not to mention you can´t have 5 people work on the same issue anyway. From what I´ve seen it was actually worked on pretty quick and put out for android, but apple did apple things so... I mean it could aswell be just a lazy excuse but then again, it´s apple. :V (Also I don´t feel like Scirra is beeing lazy)

    It was exciting times then to log in every few days and discover a ton of new things either Scirra did or the community did, now - not so much. You often log in to basically see the same old discussions on the forum, many cool and valuable people left and as has been said, a lot of effort is spent on unnecessary things, yet stuff the community voted for as needed ages ago or keeps asking for just get ignored for various reasons.

    Sadly true, especially rexrainbow and r0j0hound, but there´s always a chance they´ll come back, right? :I Also, it´s almost certain that new "valueable people" emerge, isn´t it? I think the forums sort of died off, particularely during that transition phase where everything was half-broken, but also generally because forums are old-school. Discord is the new "forum", sort of like whatsapp is the new "SMS"

    All in all I think Scirra is defenitely trying, but it´s hard to please everyone at the same time. And maybe they made some bad decisions or decisions not everyone agrees with (probably often not easy ones), but they certainly didn´t make them ill-willed.