WackyToaster's Forum Posts

  • I kind of wanted to say that you can simply work around it like this

    I feel like it should work but it absolutely doesn't. I also tried a sprite and it also does not behave as expected. I also tried pick by overlapping point instead, which also doesn't work. It seems to be weirdly offset from what is visually seen on the screen at best. I'm not sure exactly what is going on there but it might warrant a bug report?

  • What resolution did you make your game? In the project properties you have the "Viewport size" setting that you can adjust to your needs. Or as an alternate solution, you can scale your sprites down to the size you want them to be in (but I'd recommend the first approach)

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    Tacker hitting the bullseye. The current steam release pipeline is far from ideal and it's straight up missing like 80% of the available features. Considering that releasing a game sort of by default means "release it on steam" it should be a seamless and fleshed out process but it's neither seamless nor fleshed out. Greengrinds patches up at least some of that but should it really take a 3rd party addon for that?

    Getting the micro:bit plugin is not exactly a tradeoff in my favor because I have never even heard of this thing before and I have no interest in it either. Don't get me wrong, it's cute and all and maybe it was like an afternoon project after a heavy bugfixing spree to get something easy out... but even then it's a questionable allocation of resources considering we've been told time and time again that these resources are in short supply.

    I'd totally be down if Construct would stop new features for maybe a couple of months and double down on robustness of existing features in the meantime.

  • I believe if you are using the latest Greenworks/Greengrinds addon and NWJS 82 or higher, you don't have to add any of those libraries.

    I don't? Now I'm just confused :V

  • It's in the platform info plugin.

    Platform Info: expressions 'FramesPerSecond' and 'TicksPerSecond'

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    Argh! I didn't cancel anything, I just didn't realize my subscription was expiring and I hadn't loaded the card yet -___-'

    That is a massive bummer :(

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    Your original price should be carried over if you renew before your current subscription ends.

    That is the case. I still pay the secret cheap price unless I ever cancel my sub which I don't plan to :)


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  • I agree on the list approach. Keeping a list of x,y positions of tiles that are available to claim makes sense to me.

    To find the nearest tile without resorting to sprites, you can use the distance expression. You'll have to go through the whole list though to find the nearest but I think "pick nearest sprite" doesn't really do anything different to that. So you would go through the whole list, store the distances of each and then use the one with the smallest distance.

    But realistically, there is nothing really wrong with just using invisible helper sprites either... It's a functional solution with little to think about and probably already optimized to run as fast as possible. Many roads lead to rome.

  • This looks correct. Make sure you have all the correct steam SDK files in your package.nw.

    I personally used the Greengrinds addon just recently (on latest beta) and it works perfectly. So worst case you could try this instead. construct.net/en/make-games/addons/244/greengrinds

    Also pro tip: You do not need to edit the package.nw after exporting. I see this repeated time and time again and it's just not true. All you have to do is import the required SDK files into your game directly inside Construct. That's it! I wasted so much time on this nonsense because of that misinfo! Just export it, run the icon updater, zip it and ship it.

    Here's what my files look like. Tested and working on windows, mac and linux.

  • This was a change in a recent beta release

    In other words, if there's nothing happening on the screen, the fps will "drop" simply because it's not necessary to redraw the screen.

    We've also made some changes to framerate handling to clear up some confusion. Firstly, the standard frames per second (FPS) measurement previously actually measured ticks per second, and so could still read 60 FPS even if nothing was being rendered, which happens when nothing is changing. We've changed it to now only measured rendered frames per second, so it will drop to 0 when nothing is being rendered. We've added back a separate ticks per second (TPS) measurement which reflects the old measurement. This all makes it clearer to identify the rate at which frames are drawn and ticks are processed, which are not always the same. We've also changed the 'Set min/max framerate' action to 'Set min/max delta-time' to more accurately reflect what it does, as using the term 'framerate' is a bit misleading there.

    I'm just not sure why the other example doesn't show this drop since there's also nothing happening on screen...

  • Not sure about going with 1.05... The 1 in the formula should stay constant afaik and I don't know about the ramifications. Maybe it's fine?

    This formula will be somewhat different to the framerate dependent lerp and you should adjust the factor accordingly. Basically the higher the factor, the slower the speed.(As opposed to the other way around) I found I'm having to use very small values to make it snappy, like 0.000000001

    But the point is it's framerate independent so even if it's slower than it should be, it will be so across all framerates.

  • Oh I know, that's what I mentioned as the alternate solution ;)

    There's still some issues I see even if I had such an exporter, but it would absolutely be a step in the right direction. At least I think I see issues, I have barely tried the bulk importer.

    I'm also not currently in the mood at all for tool dev, and as mentioned I don't know LUA (which aseprite uses) so that would involve a ton of reading, trial and error. I dunno about relatively easy...

  • You have to define the variable on the family. Individual instance still can have different values. I'd recommend this approach

    - Make family, add variable health

    - Put your instances in a "picker layout" and set them up as templates (this helps to avoid accidentally changing an enemies health value but forgetting to change it for all instances of that enemy) construct.net/en/make-games/manuals/construct-3/project-primitives/objects/templates

    - You can now place or spawn replicas everywhere you need them and they'll have the health value you specified in the template

    - Finally, I recommend using custom actions to handle the logic of damaging enemies. construct.net/en/make-games/manuals/construct-3/project-primitives/events/custom-actions

  • I think aseprite files have quite some data that simply gets lost on export, but would be quite useful if retained (frame speed and timings, animation names, loop/pingpong settings) not to mention how awesome it would be if I could just import the aseprite files directly instead of exporting/importing.

    The specs would be here


    The thing is... I kinda doubt that it will be implemented officially, simply because then everyone wants their program of choice to be directly importable (.psd files, .csp files,...) so I wonder if it's possible to somehow make it happen from a user side? I don't think the addon SDK can help here, so I'm at a loss. I'd also have no idea where to start with the documentation, that's beyond my skills.

    One alternate solution would be instead to create an aseprite export script that then exports based on these specifications construct.net/en/forum/construct-3/general-discussion-7/animations-editor-new-161331 along with a json file for the data. Issue is I have no idea about LUA or aseprite scripting so... yeah. Also it would not be as convenient as a direct import.

    In general I feel like the whole exporting/importing procedere throws quite some grit into the workflow... am I alone with this? Maybe I'll write up a suggestion for some stuff at some point, but since I'm mostly doing pixelart nowadays, this importer would be really helpful already.
