WackyToaster's Forum Posts

  • You can set the sprite flipped/mirrored. Should do the trick.

  • You just put the png above the buttons (z-order) so the buttons go behind the png, that still won't work with the button object tho. The png just has to look like the background it is on or be created to look like a menu.

  • [quote:2278jzx7]In any event, another route might be to use separate text objects instead of buttons, but the issue still remains: how do I mask (clip) the display of a set of objects? A single object works fine using the Source-In blend mode, but for a group of objects?

    I rarely used these blend modes so I can´t really tell. But food for thought, you could also just use a png with a gradient to transparent for very simple masking. No effects needed.

  • What you want is to send inputs from the phone to a different device. So your best bet are probably Websockets, maybe the multiplayer plugin but it might be overkill. You have the app on the phone that connects with the game, then transfer button presses to the game and have the game react to it.

    https://www.construct.net/at/make-games ... /websocket

    https://www.construct.net/at/make-games ... ultiplayer

  • As of right now, buttons will always be above everything else. What you can do is to use custom sprite buttons, is there a reason you are using the regular buttons? If you really really want to use the regular buttons, you could maybe pin a sprite to them and set the css opacity of the buttons to 0.000000001, so you still use the regular button object for all the logic, but you can get the visual effect you want. But at that point you might aswell drop the buttons entirely and just use sprites. In the current state, what you intend is not possible. iirc. there was a mention in a blogpost about this and that it might change in the future. (but I might be mistaken about that)

  • [quote:89k7o52y]4 different (Animation Tiles) to use on 400 Tiles is not a good idea to use the TileMap I guess

    4 different tiles are fine, BUT you cannot animate them. So if you don´t intend to animate them, use the tilemap.

    [quote:89k7o52y]I thought that I read in other threads that if the Tiles are the same it counts the draw call as 1

    Is should be sort of true if you use the same tile. So if you use the same tile 100 times it should be 1 drawcall (I´m not sure if it´s actually only a single drawcall but it should be faster) if you have 100 different tiles, each will have a drawcall.

  • This has already been filed as an issue --> https://github.com/Scirra/Construct-3-bugs/issues/1396

    Where Ashley said that it´s an issue with chrome --> https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/is ... ?id=823247

    Where it was fixed a couple of days ago actually. Based on https://www.chromium.org/blink/when-wil ... -or-canary this will take ~10 weeks before it´s shipped into the stable chrome version, so we need patience, or use https://www.google.com/chrome/browser/canary.html (I wouldn´t though)

    The problem is if you search for the issue on github (with "zoom") you will not find it unless you delete the "is:open" because Ashley closed this error. I think what would be great is some sort of bugtracker, possibly even inside of construct, that shows the current open bugs and if they are beeing worked on. So if you encounter an error, you could quickly check if it´s already been filed aswell as it´s status without even leaving construct. This will likely lead to some amount of overhead, but also might lead to reduce duplicate bugreports and frustration. I mean the bug has already been filed, fixed and will roll out soonish, so a user shouldn´t be left uninformed needing to make a "help pls" thread, and Ashley doesn´t need to be told for the 15th time that there is a bug.

    At minimum, Ashley shouldn´t close an issue unless it´s actually been 100% fixed and released, because else users won´t find it (that easy) when they search for it and just end up filing them again, posting suggestions, make threads about it, etc. I personally almost filed that zoom issue again recently, I don´t even know anymore how I found out it has actually been filed and is beeing worked on already.

  • Absolutely, basically just have it like the "Else" I think this has already been suggested on several occations, but the more the merrier

  • I wouldn't worry too much about performance in your case. You have more or less a single moving physics object. Static objects don't have much of an impact. On PC you can easily use quite a bunch, on mobile you should limit it a bit. There is no real difference between webbrowser or node webkit (that is still basically just chrome). It's probably best to test it out, see how many physics objects you can drop until the framerate tanks.

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  • Short answer: No

    Long answer: Also no, unless you consider replicating all events, sprites, variables, etc... 1:1 in C2 by hand viable (not to mention it might still end up not working as expected because of some differences)

  • I think that you cannot have an "Else" on trigger events (see the small green arrow next to it) directly, so using sub-events is the way to go.

  • Hmm, hard to tell without seeing everything. Maybe it´s the trigger once inside the or block (OR trigger once. In that case you don´t even need it actually), maybe the animation is set wrong, maybe try to play the animation from the beginning instead of current frame... etc etc. If you don´t mind you can share the project file.

  • Datamining happens quite often, even if you try to hide it well. I´m just gonna drop this here:



    Vinny: You guys put a lot of secrets in Isaac, a lot of codes, a lot of seeds. I remember how you didn't want people to discover them right away. My question to you guys is-

    Edmund: You already ******* ****** it up! They ****** it up.

    Tyrone: They swallowed a hundred dollar steak in one bite.

    E: Yep. It's... man. Tyrone's analogy is right. It's true. They couldn't resist it, they had to break it apart. And even though people were actively working on some of the biggest secrets that would have taken awhile to unfold, they said "NOOOOO! I WANT IT ALL NOW!"

    V: And then they spoiled it for the rest of us.

    E: It's disheartening. It sucks because we're gonna start working on an expansion soon, but we sure as hell aren't gonna ******* take all the time that it took - especially with Simon, who tried his best to really bury the stuff so it would deter people from doing this, but all they see is a challenge, so they're going to dive right in and do it anyway. I can say right now that I don't think the expansion is going to feature any buried secrets that anybody will care about.

    T: It was months of our life, between me and Ed and Simon. Ed had this really crazy idea, we were like "let's do it, it'll take months, some people won't find this for years!" Nope, one week.

    E: Nobody likes to wait anymore. They like to eat it now!

    T: I'm going to challenge the dataminers for the expansion, because I have something that I haven't even told Ed about that guarantees that they won't be able to mine ***** It'll take at least three days this time! (laughs)

    E: There was some stuff in the original Isaac that I thought wouldn't be uncovered for awhile. It ended up being uncovered legitimately, but faster than I thought it'd be. I thought I'd go even further [with Rebirth], but I think I've learned that there's no point in really doing that stuff, and the best way to hide a secret is to lock it in a very challenging area. I think if we end up doing anything like that in Rebirth, it'll just be behind a barrier of entry; having a certain amount of skill. Not something that I thought was going to be a really fun and community-based ARG, which would have been nice if it was allowed to take place, but you know... whatever.

    Sadly the era where you could actually hide secrets is sort of over. If people wanna know they will tear your game apart as they see fit. If you toss roadblocks into their way, they will just try anyway and find a way around. I mean, you might be able to that by using some heavy encryption, and having a server that does the decryption, making the game requiring online just for that. And even then, people can still figure out the decryption, maybe send "fake" data packages to your server to decrypt them so they can just decrypt anything they want.

    Long story short, it´s either a huge chunk of work for very little reward, or you just simply accept the fact that people will datamine your game.

  • When you check "Key is down" this event will fire every tick. So you are telling your sprite to play the animation from the current frame over and over, it never gets to the next frame. Try using "on key pressed" or add a "System > Trigger once". In that case you want to have your animation set to loop.

    Also since you use the same animation for all 4 directions you can create an "OR" block (right click on the event) and put all 4 direction keys inside, so you only need 1 event (unless you just do this for testing and want to replace the animations later down the road).

    Also also if you do intend to replace the animations later on so you have individual animations for up, down, left and right, keep in mind that when a player presses up & right, it will sort of attempt to play both animations so you have to make sure it does not do that.

  • I don´t have that much insight on tilemaps but from what I understand...


    The drawcalls will be the same. Each sprites needs a drawcall, each tile also does. This also means it´s not recommended to have single objects span over multiple tiles, because each tile will be rendered individually. So an entire tree is better off beeing a sprite rather than 20 tiles in a tilemap. I think though there is more going on in regards to rendering. Also:

    [quote:144y045s]Tilemaps also have significant performance benefits over achieving the same results with other kinds of objects, such as arranging a grid of Sprites. The Tilemap object can optimise collision detection and rendering in a way that scales well even with extremely large Tilemap objects.

    I have no idea how impactful this is though, considering construct already uses collision cells and basically doesn´t render anything outside the viewport and such. On a sidenote, people have been building some cool stuff using 1x1 pixel tilemaps, where there are several thousands of 1 pixel sized tiles on the layout with no performance impacts. Maybe Ashley has better answers to that. It also has some downsides though, that´s why I personally never really liked working with tilemaps. For example, you cannot animate tiles and I generally found it a bit cumbersome to work with for various reasons. It also depends on where you want to play the final product. For mobile it´s probably a better idea to use tilemaps because you wanna use that limited power well, on a PC you probably can get away with just using sprites, I don´t think you´d run into a bottleneck anytime soon on any reasonably modern machine.


    Hard to say. If the game is entirely based on tiles, it´s probably a good idea to use a tilemap since it offers tools (like a drawing tool) that are not available with sprites. You have to keep the downsides in mind though. If you want to use animations in all your tiles except a few, you probably should just use sprites. I don´t think you can calculate it.


    No, I doubt that using 4 tilemaps with 1 tile each is the way to go. You defenitely want to use one tilemap with 4 tiles.

    Also always a good thing, the manual --> https://www.construct.net/at/make-games ... ce/tilemap