vuanhvan's Forum Posts

  • 12 posts
  • hello,

    I have issue when using shareAsync from FBInstant, in this case, how we can detect if user success share, or they just close the share Dialog. with below code, it always "share complete", even user just click close dialog. on facebook instant game document, they mention about return Promise object, but with no example.

     intent: 'SHARE',
     image: imgBase64,
     text: 'X is asking for your help!',
     data: { myReplayData: "..." },
    }).then(function() {
     // continue with the game. 
     console.log("share complete");
    }).catch(function (e) {
     // Handle subscription failure
     console.log("share failed");

    thank you.

  • now, it's can open after few hours without do nothing. at the time I post I can't not open the project from cloud. I even can't download it from cloud.

    thank you.

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  • hi all,

    some body got the same problem, I do no things, just open project after fews day, and now cannot open, even try to download. I loose all the work on it?

  • thank a lot , hope this issue can resolve soon

  • thank you, I tried but still got the same problem

  • its weird, I try to make an simple playable ads manually with pure html and JS (not using construct) , just encode an image, add button to click, then upload, its work well,

    just ask Facebook Developer Community one week ago until now no body response. very sad!

  • hello,

    I got this error when upload playable ads, preview just blackscreen

    I export with Construct 3 R139 beta

    and just make the simple button to click

    how to fix this prolem

    thank you.

  • ! so surprise, I just buy it, and try to learn , this plugin is really helpful for construct and html5 game,

    hope you still continue develop it.

    btw, I think you can sale it on your website , just give the link here, like some one did.

    really really need it,

    thank for awesome work.

  • hi there,

    I have just bought the plugin, and flow the first video but the result I think wrong,

    the object just white color for all, not the color I pick in Edit Image window,

    I download version0.6

    and here the capx file:


  • thank a lot STCTR

    I bought it, and 4 day later I have the link to download

    and the version is 3.0, not the 3.5 or 3.6, so the problem with facebook popup cannot solve.

    I send an email to get support, but even a litle help ...and now, nothing still waiting

    I pm via skype ... but nothing too,

    I dont want to say that, but somthing like this make us sometime in "dangerous" who buy in urgent for their project

    fortunately, I find solution by self and dont using this Plugin anymore

    thx again Author, for the plugin.

  • hi everyone,

    I have a trouble, hope this topic can help me soon,

    I Bought the "Share plugin by STCTR V3.6" from STCTR ,but after that I didnt receive the plugin, and dont have any way, how to contact with the author.

    I dont know if some body here bought and received it or just the fake from STCTR.

    lost money for know thing,

    so sorry, but Im need in urgent, that mean I post here, hope the author see it.

    https : / / www .

  • I have just bought this, but dont receive anything, Im really need in urgent , hope you see this message soon,

    my email vuanhvantpo@hotmail .com


  • 12 posts