statham yes all displays are different as said above it depends on lots of things like configuration, the panel type, manufacturer, etc..Even screen brightness.
here some things that can help
Manual entry on performance
Ashley blog post ... -your-time
You must include a Capx it's not optional just make a Capx that includes the issue . Have you tried Building one of the included Templates to see if the issue is this there?
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Check out this tool to make a spritefont
As Somebody said you should use spritefonts for better performance and compatibility
AngelRave also test in other browser the latest versions of Chrome/NodeWebkit you have a bug the causes lag/stutter/jittering it you search the forums (chrome issues) you can find threads about it
#akashlakhotia here's is the tutorial QuaziGNRLnose mentioned ... s-with-svn
it has what you need i believe
Layout properties. Have nothing selected it on the left. it's above Layout size setting
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
even with scale outer if unbounded scrolling is off things will go right and
That looks great Malak
are you using unbounded scolling because if you arnt that's why things always go right
i think it really depends on how your exporting to Amazon.
I used the same Crosswalk Apk and they work
Can you post your XDK build log. also what format are you saving your icons?
we can't tell much from this image but we can tell you that images size is 800x800 in the editor. Are you mistaking the grey background/workspace as part of your layout ? layout size is the black outline in that you see. window size is represented by black ----.
can you post a screenshot of the error. also have you tried rebuilding your app apk file?