Vladimir's Forum Posts

  • You can set variable by (var1&var2) or (var1&"Small") & used when you need to put something additional in one string. Or first set var. to your first value then use action Add to on your var. and add "Small" or var2. Generally there are plenty of vays to combine words and variables.


    Thank you very mach MadScientist!

  • Hello! Is it possible to combine words into one? Suppose I have an animation in the sprite called "potSmall" that I need to run. I can take the word "Small" from the sprite variable pot.size. Is it possible then to add the word "pot" to the variable name?

    You can download project file here: yadi.sk/d/yMltS_QAv4sspw


  • You don't need to link everything to everything by their UIDs. (for example detector to weapon etc.) Just use Box as the main object and link all other parts to it.

    I fixed your file, have a look:


    Thank you Dop2000! You helped me a lot!

  • Hello! In my game, the characters consist of families. To create a new character I just needed to add new sprites to the family, and the code describing the family remained common to all characters. But I just can’t fix one mistake.

    When the character goes to the right, he must turn the weapon to the right, and when he goes to the left, the weapon must turn to the left. But the turn of the weapon does not always take place, and often the characters go with their backs forward or the weapons look back.

    Can you tell me what I did wrong?

    Here is my code:

    Here are the character sprites:

    You can download project file here:


  • dop2000 and brunopalermo thank you very much for advises! I will try to use UID.

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  • Hello! In my game, the characters consist of three sprites: body, weapon and box. Each sprite is a separate family. I can’t give commands to an individual character, since sprites in the family react all at once.

    For example, I made this program with flowers, where everything basically consists just like in my game. You need to click on the pot and the flower will grow. But the flowers grow all at once, and not the one you clicked on. How to fix it?

    Here is my code:


    You can download project file here:


  • Use Timer behavior instead of "Every X seconds".

    Thank you very much dop2000! Now everything works!

  • Hello! I decided to use family object for all weapon sprites. Every family object has rate of fire variable. For example rifle has 1 second, pistol 0.5, uzi 0.2 second. But when i run project they have one rate of fire for all of them.

    Here is my code:


    You can download project file here: yadi.sk/d/bcKLrdIxo_IM0w

    How to setup different rate of fire in family objects?

  • I didn't play it, Im gonna talk as a game designer.

    First thing I notice, your tittle screen looks great, but, the tittle name isn't matching whole scene, I think you wanted it to look like it was made out of lasers or something, but if I was you I'd change it.

    Second, the UI is sticked on the up corner, never do this, you have do leave a space between icon and the screen corner, so always word with grid.

    Besides that, I like what I see. Is there a narrative behind the game? it'd let it even immersive, not just shooting for fun.

    Great job. Keep it up!

    Thank you for your feedback! Can you say more why the UI should not be in the corner? Game has cutscene, I just skipped it in the video.

  • Great job! Thanks for sharing. I like the audio design and graphics!! It really felt immersive watching it.

    Thank you for kind words!

  • Vladimir Hey, I can see you put some effort in this game. Animations of player and enemies are also nice. Did you create the animations yourself?

    I'm doubtful though if people will like this kind of art style. There's also just too much contrast with all those textures. You can't see enemies well enough.

    To me, and that could just be me; the textures look a bit cheap and gives me the impression you either 1) Are unable to create your own artwork or 2) Went the cheap way and slapped those textures from a texture site to quickly throw together a game.

    Hope I don't sound too harsh, but this is my first impression of your gameplay video.

    Thank you for advises! I use my photos. They are made during trips by nature.

  • This is first level. You can play it here: vladimir7491.itch.io/gavoyra

  • Hi! First level of my platformer game is ready for testing. I am will be very glad to your feedback.

    You can download it here: vladimir7491.itch.io/gavoyra

    And discuss in my group: facebook.com/groups/1140251719457526

    Subscribe to Construct videos now


  • Great!

  • Problem Description

    Hi! This topic i found in Solved category, but it is not solved.

    Nwjs is not closing and slowing my computer after launching several times if not to close it every time through CTR/ALT/DEL.

    Configuration of PC: Windows 10, Pentium E5200, 4000 RAM. I am using latest 15 version of nwjs.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Open the project. Maybe it should be very big, my consumes 700 mb memory in preview.
    • Preview using NW.js
    • Close and look to processes in Windows

    Observed Result

    nwjs remains in memory

    Expected Result

    It should be closed

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 10

    Construct 2 Version ID

    Construct 2 Release r229