viscu81's Forum Posts

  • Can you write a example? Thank you

  • i will definitely try your suggestion. it is very complex I do not know if I am able to do it. i know what arrays are but i never called them in construct. I'll try looking at some tutorials to understand how to do it. I thank you for the answer. Ps: yesterday I did a crazy thing that worked for a few seconds. I created an event with System-every x sedond, and in the values ​​I put (Audio.Playbacktime ("Audio", 0) / 60 is by magic the objects were synchronized in perfect rhythm.

  • hello, thanks for answering me. yes I create the music so I know the bpm, but they are not always constant. But I don't know the way to synchronize the music with the spawn of the objects. the timer you suggest is good only if the bpm are constant. Isn't there another way to sync the audio being played, regardless of the bpm?

    ps: I'm so sorry for my language, this is google translate. :)

  • Hello everybody. I wanted to know if there is a way to spawn objects or enemies to the beat or bpm of the music? that is, synchronize events based on the beat. I currently use the audio analyzer effect, which works very well, but I couldn't find something that would allow me to spawn in sync with the music. is there any way to do it? Thank you


  • thank you very much but I was able to solve the problem. I had to register the touch not via touchID but via touch.touchXAt. now works. thank you

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  • Hi everyone I definitely need your help because I don't jump out using the Game pad object I managed to simulate the control of the legs. With the left analog stick in position on the X axis less than zero the leg moves outwards with the value instead positive the left leg moves inwards. same concept I applied it to the right analog stick I'm using the PlayStation 4 gamepad. In construct doing this It is very simple just make axis appear. With the double virtual joypad it is different. I looked at your codes and tutorials but no one makes the character move with both virtual sticks. I'm interested in that. from what I have seen on the Internet everyone makes the character move with the left analog stick while the right is used to rotate it. surely from what I understand you have to record the input using the expression Touch. the problem is I don't know how to use it.

    can you give an example where there are 2 virtual gamepads and each of them is able to make an object move even at the same time? I also add that if I don't use the virtual pad but I use the touch object I don't have these problems I can make all parts of the character move at the same time. I used 4 sprites on the left simulating the left analog lever and 4 on the right simulating the right analog lever. thanks to who helps me- SORRY FOR MY LANGUAGE! I’M ITALIAN! :D
