Virpoja's Forum Posts

  • Thanks rafaeltrigo, awesome examples and other tutorials as well. However, I still don`t get it. Recording seems to work just fine but sharing doesn`t. When clicking "share" it says not supported. I tried to export project to desktop but that did not help either. I also tried to add Twitter plugin and use that, but could not get it to work either.

    Do you or anyone else know if there is a way to set Twitter plugin`s share to actually share recorded video?


  • Hello!

    Last couple of days I`ve been trying to create a system to record video or gif inside my game and to post that to Twitter. I don`t meen using 3rd party software to do this, but actual game feature to record and share that recording.

    I have been able to make a recording using GameRecorder plugin, however, I don`t think twitter supports webm format since I haven`t been able to share the video even when manually downloading it and then sharing. So it would need to be converted...

    I have also tried to set Twitter plugin "share" to GameRecorder.recording URL with various methods, but have`t been able to get it to work. I have tried Share Plugin, BinaryData Plugin, AJAX, Browser.... but nothing works.

    Can anyone either help me with this or tell me if it`s not possible.

    Thank you in advance.

    Here is my useless c3p-file

  • Thanks you Sir! It works! I`ll look into TMX also but for now this solution is perfect.

    Thanks again!

  • Here`s a sample project file.

    JSON that I exported from Pyxeledit is imported in the project (in the files section). Tilemap source image that is attached to tilemap object is also exported from the same project in Pyxeledit.

    I haven`t edited JSON file in anyway since export and have no idea if I should... Also, as stated I also tried JSON file downloaded straight from Construct 3, that file is also imported in the project.

    Thanks for your help

  • Hello fellow Construct users!

    I have been trying to set tilemap from JSON file and have had no luck with it... I was trying to follow the steps in this tutorial video, but alas... does`t work. (Tilemap stays Blank)

    So, I have tried to import JSON file, then use AJAX to request project file I imported. After that use AJAX

    on completed trigger to set tilemap from JSON -> AJAX-lastdata.... Tilemap stays blank. I have tried to create JSON file with Pyxeledit and even with Construct 2 and 3 with Tilemap -> download JSON.. Nothing has worked. I have tried to search instructions from forums, youtube etc... nothing has come up.

    I also tested setting text object -> set text to JSON file and that worked. So importing and AJAX thingy seems to work but tilemap doesen`t seem to get set..

    Here`s a sample project file.

    Anyway, I really hope some1 has a solution. Thank you in advance.


  • Oh man, thanks so much 99Instances2Go!

    Second implementation is really sweet but it was actually this:

    "distance(Sprite.X,Sprite.Y,Sprite.LastX,Sprite.LastY) > 0,1"

    This is one of those: "how in hel..... I did not think that" moments.... I was sure there is a simple solution that I just can`t think of... and it was this.

    So thank you again for your efforts, Construct community prevails again. (as it always does)

  • Damn... And I thought I had a good solution. Thank you R0J0hound and every one else for your suggestions. I think I will tinker around little bit more with the example provided by Maybe try to implement some basic AI using that method.

    Again, thank you all for your help

  • Ok, I updated the example. ... n_ve2.capx

    Now you can also strafe by holding ALT key. In example you can see that collision detector sprite is always on the correct position. (even if you hold ALT, Left Arrow, Forward Arrow at the same time)

    So that is working great... Except when it matters, when the collision is detected.

    SO the thing i need is a sure way to "save" the last position before collision to maintain the correct angle instead of it updating to 0.

    Anyone have any ideas?

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  • lamar, thanks.

    I guess I am being kind of picky but I want to stay away of using "wait 0.1" etc. stuff, since I want really responsive and crisp implementation.

    I am already using variables to store last position and using that to calculate the correct angle. That works pretty well too. I think I have to find some way to store the last position (just before collision) to prevent "angle of motion" updating to 0.

  • lamar, sorry I was not precise enough.. What i need is the angle of motion, which in this case is not the same as the actual "heading" or the objectAngle. Also I am not using bullets etc for this, for several reasons.

  • 99Instances2Go: Thank you for your answer, the thing is that all the objects are moving only one direction at the time, so they only need one collider (which has to be in the right direction) and this is what I am trying to achieve. I have this kind of system working on the grid based game and it`s very light solution. (it`s just harder to pull of with pixel perfect movement) I do not think performance is a real issue here. And its more precise than using imagepoints. Also container works great for picking, as you mentioned.

    X = 16*cos (AngleOfMotion)+ Sprite.X

    Y= 16*sin(AngleOfMotion)+ Sprite.Y

    gives me the result i need for setting up the correct position for collider. Problem is that on collision the Sprite stops and my return value for "AngleOfMotion" glitches for 1 tick and messes up the collision testing. This is a problem I don`t have on grid based version.

    Also the actual project is using FPS view with raycasts and if collision detection is not spot on, you will be able to see through walls etc.

  • Thanks for your answers guys. lamar object angle won`t work since sprite can move other directions that it is facing...

    99Instances2Go: Your solution is nice, its actually same principal that I am using on my actual project atm.. However the point why I am trying to figure out the actual direction object is facing is because I want to be able to go any direction (strafe etc) and always have the Collision Detector on the correct position. I should have implemented other directions to my example but I got lazy

    So using several ImagePoints is my plan B, but since I intend to use similar collision detection for AI, I would like to have a very "clean" solution that won`t rely on inputs but rather to actual movement angle. I know I can work around this but I just want the cleanest implimentation..

    Anyway thanks alot, any other suggestions?

  • Hello guys! I have a problem which is driving me nuts....

    I need to figure out a way to determine which direction / angle object is heading. I know several ways to achieve this but not the way I need it to work atm.

    So the thing is, I DO NOT want to use behaviors on the object (so this counts out using bullet, 8 dir, physics... to determine angle of motion.) Object is moved just with *dt pixels... and this is how i need it to work on this project.

    I can get value using: "angle(Sprite.LastX , Sprite.LastY , Sprite.X , Sprite.Y)"

    Basically I have created instance variables to store sprite position on previous tick and compare that to current position. So this kind of works, BUT when object stops the value updates to 0. I am guessing it only does this for one tick, but it`s enough to render this unusable. (since I use this method for collision testing)

    sample capx: ... otion.capx

    Hope some one can help!

  • Hi, I am not sure what exactly are you asking for? Since in my mind you cannot get much better than actual working source code for reverse engineering and tinkering around.

    Besides the capx file is well formated and commented and consist everything you have asked for. Just start experimenting and you should have a good understanding on each event and the processes pretty soon.

    Good luck

  • Hi Ken95, Is this what you are looking for?

    Created by awesome