Last couple of days I`ve been trying to create a system to record video or gif inside my game and to post that to Twitter. I don`t meen using 3rd party software to do this, but actual game feature to record and share that recording.
I have been able to make a recording using GameRecorder plugin, however, I don`t think twitter supports webm format since I haven`t been able to share the video even when manually downloading it and then sharing. So it would need to be converted...
I have also tried to set Twitter plugin "share" to GameRecorder.recording URL with various methods, but have`t been able to get it to work. I have tried Share Plugin, BinaryData Plugin, AJAX, Browser.... but nothing works.
Can anyone either help me with this or tell me if it`s not possible.
Thank you in advance.
Here is my useless c3p-file