Virkana's Forum Posts

  • 4 posts
  • I'm sorry everyone, I didn't realize this thread got some attention.

    Thanks for feedback, but I'd say this project is on hold, but not just because.

    It's not forgotten, but I've been working on another project. but still, for the dungeon crawler, I decided to go 3D, or at least give it a try.

    I wanted to work on some 3D modeling, that's why. It will be long time until I go back to this project but here's something I got out of it.


  • Hello again Codah!

    I'm aware that new members can't send private messages, but I'm shocked I can't even reply to your private message, would you mind sending me your e-mail through a PM so we can communicate?


    • John
  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hello Codah

    I'd like to help you to translate into Portuguese, considered one of the most spoken languages (usualy around 5th-7th place). However, it's European Portuguese, from Portugal, which represent the smallest amount of Portuguese speakers around the world.

    The difference is very little (sometimes none) but depending on the text you wish to translate, it can still be relevant.

    I can't PM you so I hope you contact me if you are interested.


    • John
  • Hello everyone! How are you doing?

    First post here, and straight to the point.

    A week ago, I started playing around with Construct 2, and I'm seriously enjoying my experience with it. I've been working on a project I'd like to bring to life, and I want to share my progress.

    It's a very early version and I'm trying to implement (way) too many things at the same time, I hope you can see a little of this, a little of that, not all the base mechanics are implemented yet and nearly everything is a placeholder, so it's not really a game, just a taste of what it is going to be.


    • The dungeon is generated randomly from pre-made square tiles (only 4 so far)
    • The character doesn't suffer damage (and zombies do not attack, very basic AI)
    • It's spawning 8 zombies every 2 seconds, you'll see many bugs, stay for too long and your PC will become slow
    • There's no objective, quit when you get tired
    • Whirlwind (RMB) kills everything in one hit

    https : //dl.dropboxusercontent. com/u/6512545/Dungeon%20Crawl%203/index.html (Can I post this?)

    The dungeon tiles are one single image, I created a specific collision polygon for each tile, it seems a poor way to do things but that's the solution I found, I want to use pre-rendered rooms (I create them in blender), but this also means I had to block the entrances and found a nasty solution for that (a rectangle in those doors that disables collision. What do you think of this? Too ugly?

    About large size images, in the tiles case, 864x864, is it too much? I'm still using the free version but my aim is to export for desktop, is this a problem?

    I want to create a dungeon crawler that feels like Diablo II, or Torchlight for younger folks, with many dungeon levels going deeper and deeper to find harder content, by the looks of it... is it something I can achieve with Construct 2? Or am I knocking on the wrong door?

    All your feedback and questions is appreciated, I hope you enjoy the crazyness!

    • John
  • 4 posts