vila4480's Forum Posts

  • hey guys ive had this crazy ideia recently and im still thinking about it too often to let go. heres the deal: ive allways used my tablet as an extension to my pc. im also an avid gamer and i love the idea of using the tablet to control stuff on pc. now i know there are apps that do what im about to describe, but none really allows for customization. im talking about simulating a second keyboard with specialized macro keys. like turning your tablet or smartphone into a second keyboard with colors and animations. for this to work it should require a connection to the computer and additional customization. in other words i question: what can you guys tell me about a tcp or web connection to the computer and local skins and files that allow customization of the app? IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE WITH CONSTRUCT 2? Thank you guys youre the best! oh you may call me crazy i dont mind! :)

    ps sorry i had trouble pasting this message ill be sure to edit later

  • Hi, i'm having the same problem here... did you find any solution Alraune?

    In case any of you didn't understand... we're trying to make a static thumbstick while the background moves around keeping the main character on-center of the screen.

    I was using the "scroll-to" behaviour on the character... but that might be the problem.

    Unfortunately we can't just move the background and keep the character stuck in the center as there are too many sprites and physics for that to work.

    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

    Thank you :)

  • vila4480 If I remember correctly, the last release of CocoonJS solved that issue.

    Oh i eventually found out that it was a Samsung issue and Cocoon apparently had little to do with it.

    I clarified that on this post:

    Thank you for your help and kindness!

    Good Luck!!!

    Thank you! You too! <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />


  • I know this sounds stupid but... either way you should be proud!!... that someone invested so much time on your game in order to hack or train to reach that high score!!

    <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • (sorry for double posting... its because of that forum bug with the 500 reputation cap for posting links that prevents edits!)


    I'm also having some sound issues...

    On my local desktop it all works great - but on the android tablet no sounds are ever played - be it exported or LAN preview.

    I'm using the music folder for larger sounds (like ambient background sounds) and using the sounds folder for the smaller ones - i did try to preload some but nothing happens!

    I tried CocoonJS and Dolphin browser as well as the default android browser. I'm using a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2.

    What should i do now? <img src="smileys/smiley11.gif" border="0" align="middle">



    In despair i found two different topics that led me to understand what was wrong.

    play Audio in different browsers by Joe7

    You should just import WAV files and Construct 2 will encode them to both OGG and M4A saving you the hassle of doing it yourself (M4A is only done on Windows 7+ though).

    Construct 2 considers Ogg Vorbis files to be your project's audio files, and the M4As are a backup to the Vorbis file for browsers which don't support Ogg Vorbis. So you need the Ogg file first to be able to select it for the Play sound action.

    Audio - No-Sound question

    by appmobiTyler on Fri Jul 06, 2012 8:47 am

    Hey Geekgirl,

    I did a little research and it appears that .ogg files aren't supported on your Samsung Galaxy android device. So it could be that everything is working but your test device is unable to play that audio extension. Try replacing your .ogg files with .mp3 files and see if that works for you.

    So i'm using a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 (probably is currently the most common tab on the market?)...

    -First i want to clear out another issue here: i used http:// and THE m4a OUTPUT FILE WAS CORRUPTED. Be sure to confirm every file works before adding them.

    OK. So I wasn't able to play sounds in .m4a nor .ogg formats - it didnt work on dolphin browser nor CocoonJS export, but i found out that if you add a wav file to a clean .capx project and you add an .mp3 file to the export, then it does work.

    I think that cocoon wasn't able to play the .wav file but the browser was.

    CocoonJS was able to reproduce the MP3 file that i added to the export zip.

    So heres the sum up:

    If you own a samsung or have a similar problem,

    -Create a new clean project just to test out

    -Add 1 .wav file and a trigger to play it

    -Construct will convert it to ogg and m4a

    -Preview in lan (on your tablet)

    -If it does not work - or if you're using CocoonJS, add a .mp3 to the export .zip

    -Try it on CocoonJS and see if it works.

    The first time i tried it i got really weird graphical bugs but i restarted the device (tablet) and it fixed the graphical bugs.

    This method does increase filesize but at least it solves the sound issue.

    I hope someone finds this usefull and i'm here to help in whatever i can.

    I'll leave a link to a sound-working CocoonJS export:

    The .capx:

    (use a random soundfile with the name abrir_saco.wav)

    Good luck everyone!


  • removed: see next post


    <font size="1">(mentioned Ashley Joe7 and geekgirl on the following post)</font>

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • OK, thanks Ashley, so I did. I'll post back here the outcome of this.

    Hi, i'm having the same problem... except... no sounds are playing at all!

    Any developments xyboox?

    Phonegap isn't an alternative because it has a 9.5mb limit...

    -newbie out! <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Great! I'm going to try that Pode, thank you! <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Ok so.. Theoretically, members under 500 reputation aren't allowed to post links on this forum.

    I read that info on an error message i got when i tried editing a previous post... which had a link - the edit i tried to do wasn't even related to the link.

    So basically, i shouldn't have been able to post a link in the first place - and secondly, i wasn't able to edit the post because it had a link on it! <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    As i said, i assume this is nothing serious, but i thought it would be wise to inform you guys of that tiny bug.

  • Has anyone learned something new or tips involved with single layout multi-layer interfaces?

    I spent the whole afternoon trying to do it and i got tired. Finally found a solution that works for my game.

    Just... forget that! Just kick all your contents to a position outside the layout and then bring them into it again. Use families! (like "family.Y+100000")

    -In some games it might just be the best and easiest solution.

    I also did use Scale Layer and it worked marvelously well... until it didn't - and i dont know why.

  • Oh i'm so sorry! <img src="smileys/smiley6.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Just found a micro meaningless bug on the forums but i thought i should mention it!

    I'm under 500rep and i'm allowed to post links but not allowed to edit a post that has a link on it (its not supposed for people under rep 500 to be able to post links at all!)

    Used Firefox v20.0

    The post i refer to:

    (and this one as well! haha)

  • (im sorry i cant edit the previous post due to a small bug in the forums! - ill report it)

    EDIT: it works on Firefox version 20.0!

  • vila4480 : is your browser recent enough to use getUSerMedia() to access the webcam ?

    And by the way, you won't be able to access the webcam on a tablet this way, it's not allowed by the browser.

    Yeah i think so... i tried:

    -Firefox 19.0.2 (oops its updating now!)

    -IE 9.0.8112.16421 64bit

    -Chrome 26.0.1410.43 m (latest)

    Nevertheless i really need something like this on a tablet - do you think any other solution might be available?

    Also, i tried compiling every info on barcodes on this post.

    Kyatric mentioned your solution!

    Sorry for bothering and thank you for your efforts!

  • Pode released a QR code and QR code decoder third part plugins.

    Is that what you're looking for ?

    Hi Kyatric! (first things first: i must thank you for solving so many doubts i had before! Thank you so much!)

    Ok so... yes i've seen his post, but unfortunately it seems that it wont work on tablets (which i hoped would).

    I'm also hoping to find alternatives to Pode's solution (with all the respect that he deserves!).

    Is there any other internal/external plugins that can be used?

    Does appMobi work? The posts i saw seemed outdated and unclear.

    Thank you for your time!

    P.S.: Please consider me really really dumb - so you need to type slowly!