ViiVoices's Forum Posts

  • I have the same issue. It just started today. It must be something with the 140 beta because if you right click go to properties and opt out of beta Construct will open up.

  • Hi thanks for the reply. That's strange. Well when I use right instead of left it works showing that my keyboard supports multiple key-presses. So not sure why it doesn't work when I have the left button down. Thanks.

    Just wondering, are you clicking/tapping the space bar or holding it down? Because it works when I click/tapping space bar but doesn't when I have it held down.

  • Link to .capx file (required!):


    Steps to reproduce:

    1.Hold down left Arrow to move player left

    2.Hold down Space bar(as if you were shooting a weapon)

    3.Press up Arrow to jump

    Observed result:

    Player doesn't jump

    Expected result:

    Player should jump

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: yes

    Firefox: yes

    Internet Explorer: yes

    Operating system & service pack:

    Window 7

    Construct 2 version:

    Release 139   

    Thank you.

  • Thank's guys for the help.

    zatyka Thank you, I think I understand i'm still a little confused though but I'm playing around with it right now hoping I'll understand it. Thanks a lot.

    Edit:@Zaytka Thanks for the help you're awesome I got it to work.


  • Hi guys so I've been playing around with arrays and was able to make a rewind button that rewinds the players moves. My issue is I can't effect the time when rewinding. I've been trying for the past few hours and just can't do it can anyone help? Thanks.

  • Hi monometal. There's a bug in the beta version, but if you uncheck minify it'll work when you upload your game. The minify check button is found right above the export button when you export to HTML. Hope this helps.

  • #JEtherington-I wasn't aware of this until someone helped me earlier in the forms. When you export as html the window on the buttom has a check box that says minify script(recomended) but there's a bug so games won't load if checked. I'm also having the same issue.

  • Is there anything I can do to fix it?

  • Wow thank you so much! Do you know why this happens? Just curious. Is it something I did? I never had this issue before. Thanks you!

  • Thanks for the replay how exactly did you get that to work? What do you mean by when non mignifyed script?

  • Just thought this was the same bug. Thanks!

  • That's so weird. I have no clue why I can't get it to work when exporting it to dropbox. It was working fine before the update. I tried uninstalling both versions on Steam. But my game just won't load. It doesn't show any errors or anything but it just won't load when exported, but works fine over preview. Any suggestions?

    Edit* So I made a quick game and exported it to dropbox and it worked. It loaded and everything. So my issues are with saved games(games i've been working on before the update) not loading when exported. Does anyone know how to fix the issue? Perhaps it has to do with the bug people are experiencing. Conformation would make me feel so much better. lol Just a little worried my games are broken. Thank you.

    <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I'm getting blank screen also when I export my game as Html5 (I'm using the steam version of Construct 2). Thought I would share. Is anyone else having the same issue with DropBox?

  • Sorry, yeah you need a Mac to submit your game.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Yeah you can post to blogs or websites with free edition. So make an epic game and put it on your blog or website. <img src="smileys/smiley20.gif" border="0" align="middle" />