vervo's Forum Posts

  • 11 posts
  • Thanks, I will try later, and let you guys know how it goes.

  • I know how to make my object follow my mouse, but how do I make it follow the touch??

    I am making one of those games, bouncing fireballs and floating bar that follows the mouse/touch.

    The game is fine follow the mouse, but I could not get it follow the touch. How exactly to do that? set X = Touch.X??

    On touching end, set X = Touch.x??

    and for some reason, the touch method i used, the bar is way off where touch's at, why is that?


    if my bar is right here ___________ my finger will be here.

    any useful tips are welcome.

  • Link to .capx file (required!):

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. webstorage plugin

    2. export to vs2013 as win8.1 app

    3. run in debug mode, JavaScript runtime error: Unable to set property 'hasCurrentMatMV' of undefined or null reference.

    Observed result:

    Unhandled exception at line 1417, column 4 in ms-appx://6d9ebae0-5b3a-45c3-9f42-8674d74ff501/c2runtime.js

    0x800a138f - JavaScript runtime error: Unable to set property 'hasCurrentMatMV' of undefined or null reference.

    in the c2runtime.js file, line 1417, it loads 4 objects into the array for shadowPrograms object, but there should be 3 instead of 4, as the 4th object is null, cannot be set to false.

    Expected result:

    run smoothly in visual studio 2013.

    Browsers affected:

    only faulty with vs2013, runs fine in construct 2

    Operating system & service pack:

    Windows 8.1 visual studio 2013 ultimate.

    Construct 2 version:



    note:I fixed it by delete and insert the web storage plugin and win8 app plugin.

  • Did you use the "click" action? How about detecting using on "key up" instead?

    Sounds like Construct2's click implementation detects both key down + key up, and hence the reason for the multiple clicks. Is that true Ashley? I've never ran into this problem, but I think using on key up will solve the problem.

    Im using "key is pressed"


    Did you use the "on touched object" event or the "is touching object" event? There's a large difference between the two.

    Thanks, I realised I set it as "is touching object, now change to on touched object"

    now it increment twice than 3 times.

    <img src="smileys/smiley3.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • okay.

  • sorry for the late reply, I am using r152, i think I may have fixed it by delete the webstorage and windows8 plug in, then insert them again.

    Now it run on VS2013, but I just fail the submission again, with my privacy policy, so i'l try again tomorrow, at least it is not saying that my game crash when load.

    But when I try to load the file on construct2 the warning popup still saying cannot load c2runtime.js .../html5/... and something, the game still run on construct 2 and on vs2013.

  • Thanks, will do :)

  • type in dropbox's website plus ->   /s/ivy7ggn8f8w2zcj/savethe%20yard.capx

    now url is above for my file, cheers

  • I am trying to make a game that compares if the player are doing what the player suppose to do, by doing that, when ever the player click or touch or press key, it'll increment a variable to 1, then I compare this variable to another as a correct variable number.


    by click on "something" var player = player + 1.

    set "answer" var answer = int(andom(3)) // let say the answer is equal to 1.

    for every 1 second check

    if player == answer

       score = score + 10


           game over

    what happen is if I press the right key, it'll increment 1, but if I click on the button I have made on screen, it will increment by 3, I don't have a touch screen so I cannot test that. ( click on object "img")

    How do I stop it doing that, it has been a big bug for me.

    the image button I've made has a on state(animation with 1 extra frame). I did try to turn if off, nothing changes

    <img src="smileys/smiley11.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

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  • we were instructed to use a plug in for windows 8 phone, but when I export the file, it was not select but selected windows 8 app instead, and due to I dun have a win8 installed, the file has been transferred around many time.

    i don't have enough reputation to post up any url or private msg, if you are willing to help me all the way, can you msg me, I'll pass you the link. Thanks.

    I may start over again if I cant get the bug fixed.

  • Unhandled exception at line 1417, column 4 in ms-appx://6d9ebae0-5b3a-45c3-9f42-8674d74ff501/c2runtime.js

    0x800a138f - JavaScript runtime error: Unable to set property 'hasCurrentMatMV' of undefined or null reference

    It loads 4 objects into the array for shadowPrograms object, but there should be 3 instead of 4, as the 4th object is null, cannot be set to false. anyone got any idea how to fix it?

    try to export as a windows8.1 app without minify, but it still exports jquery-2.0.0.min.js, is that normal?

    <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    I tried to exported manytime. same result.

  • 11 posts