Velojet's Forum Posts

  • I'm still getting problems with slow downloading of certain pages on the site - and their eventual appearance in unstyled form.

    For example, the latest release page ( - just now, it took 32 seconds to download and when it did appear, there was no styling and all images were missing. I think the fault may lie with the server, which frequently seems to have a very high latency.

  • [/sarcasm] :P

    I got it <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> Your PS was/should've been the giveaway. Nice!

  • ... and use a topic heading that indicates what your question is ('Making more than 1 layout') instead of telling people to answer you!

  • Anyone seen it?

    I won a copy as a prize in the latest Construct 2 competition. (Other prizewinners won a copy, too.) An inspired choice of prize!

    It's a must-see - all the agony and ecstasy of indie game development are brilliantly captured.]

  • Ashley

    Thanks for your helpful reply - and for confirming my suspicions about the overlay context.

  • I created my (prize-winning <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle"> ) plugin tutorial using stable release r95. Running it with WebGL switched on (the default) under the latest stable release (r103.2) now produces a JavaScript error ("Type error: ctx is null"). Here's how it happens:

    In order to keep things as simple as possible, I simply had a call to instanceProto.drawGL() fall through to instanceProto.draw(), passing this.runtime.overlay_ctx as the context (I'd pinched this code from shinkan's Square plugin):

    instanceProto.drawGL = function (glw) {

    However, since r103.2 (or possibly before - I didn't test it with the intervening beta releases), runtime.overlay_ctx returns null.

    In any case, when I think about it, overlay_ctx is probably not the right context to be using - my guess is that this creates a second canvas context that simply (no surprise!) overlays the main canvas. What is needed is a reference to the context of that main canvas.

    So my question is: how can I access the context that is passed (as ctx) to draw() ? (The answer may be in the SDK manual, but I haven't been able to find it.)

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Spaceport says HTML5 is no good? Funny - Robert Nashak (BBC Worldwide EVP Digital Entertainment) says: ?Spaceport is the leading HTML5 game development platform". Looks like smoke and mirrors to me.

  • odesign

    You'd do it via a plugin.

  • Still not right, I'm afraid. I can now get here (obviously!) no trouble, but if I click on the 'Home' link from this page, nothing happens for a couple of minutes and I eventually get an unstyled homepage. Same with the 'Manual' link.

  • Yes, there's certainly something weird going on here. I clicked my 'Favorites' link to 'New Posts' (something I do every morning) at 2000h BST but got a message (IE9 on desktop) saying it couldn't find and offering me a Google-cached copy. I clicked on that and found I was able to move out from there to live Forum topic pages! - and post this message!

    And if I click on the 'Home' link from this page, nothing happens for a couple of minutes and I eventually get an unstyled homepage. Same with the 'Make Games' and 'Manual' links.

  • ... Once you get the hang of it, creating behaviors and plugins which add, modify, or even create new functionality, is rather easy. You're just moving the scripting down one level, from scripting directly in an object to an external bit of code ... by far I think the JavaScript SDK gives me more power and control than a built-in system ever did.

    Well said! Couldn't agree more!

    .. My wish for the Future is, that all the Programmers that can Help this little "2-Man-Team" should bring in all the Knowledge they have an the "Will" to Help to Push this Great Tool.

    No need to make it a wish for the future - right now, those of us ****** contributing tutorials and plugins are doing exactly that.

  • WonkaVee

    Just Construct Classic <img src="smileys/smiley6.gif" border="0" align="middle" />


            var socket = io.connect('http://localhost:8080');    


    Unfortunately, this won't work in the way you want it to. localhost references the server residing on the user's machine (if s/he has one), not your server (unless you happen to be the user).

  • The main point here is that construct 2 should be object oriented instead of procedural. case can certainly be made for C2 already being object oriented. It gives us objects with state and behaviour. The various constructive (!) suggestions being made don't require a change in C2's fundamental paradigm.

  • LimonSpace

    Have you port forwarded?

    Hmm. LimonSpace said on 3 Sep that he had: "i just do port forwarding and exections in firewall ecc but nothing."

    Wink's advice is spot on. I've used his linked free PFPortCheck Program very successfully on a number of occasions (but don't be misled into shelling out for PFConfig!).