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  • vee41



    If you hate the command line, you'd loathe Red Dwarf:

    $ svn co sgs-server-trunk
    $ cd sgs-server-trunk
    $ mvn clean verify


    The problem with using Construct 2 to code the game logic is not related to the nature of plugins - it's just that C2 targets the client rather than the server, and an authoritative server is needed for serious multiplayer gaming.

    Photon are indeed working on HTML5/JavaScript support (I assume you mean JavaScript rather than Java) - we're waiting (and waiting) for their promised integration with the Photon Cloud server.

  • ... I think it's worth noting that the multiplayer can be configured differently depending on the developer's preference; for example, the host client could send the XY values, or host all the game logic, if desired.

    Not unless the developer is prepared to tolerate cheating that potentially results in an unplayable game. It's worth checking out

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    when he allowed the client to send XY values and host logic.

  • PixelPalette, I'd have to disagree with you. 3Step Studio looks like it limts your options immensely to very prestructured games.

    Agreed (with sqiddster's disagreement). Hardly their claimed "flexibility to create truly unique games" given that it's a "template driven system".

    Just another engine that's not competing in the same arena as Construct 2.

  • I don't think you will ever see that plugin.

    In the meantime, you might like to look at this very visible Multiplayer plugin/behavior that I've just posted about.

  • ... I looked at and it sounds like just what I wanted, but it seems like a dead topic to me. Does anyone know whats happening wih this? ...


    You might like to look at this very live Multiplayer plugin/behavior topic that I've just posted.

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  • UPDATE 12 June 2013

    I used NowJS to implement the server<->client communication. Support for NowJS has ceased, as has further development. So the same (reluctantly!) goes for my Multiplayer behavior.

    (DISCLAIMER: I wrote this plugin/behavior as a means of exploring the practicalities of using Construct 2 in a multiplayer context. It's offered here in that spirit, rather than as a fully functional way of making multiplayer games with Construct 2.)

    NOTE: It's not touch-enabled and has only been tested in PC browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Safari).

    So first up, here's my MultiPlayer in action, over the internet, in a really simple two-player game, Cleaners. You move your mop around the board, trying to clean more tiles than your opponent. If you collide with him/her/it, you lose.

    NOTE: You may find there's quite a lag between your pressing keys and your mop moving. That lag depends on a variety of factors, to be discussed in a later post.

    First, you'll see:

    <img src="" border="0">

    Hopefully, you'll not have too long to wait before you'll see, if you're the first to join the game:

    <img src="" border="0">

    If there's already another player who's waiting for you to show up, you'll see:

    <img src="" border="0">

    ... and you can now start moving your mop (arrow keys) and cleaning - while the other player, with the grey mop, does the same - and tries to clean more tiles than you.

    If you've been the first to join, you'll have to wait for another player - if no-one shows up, you can fire up another browser and try to move two mops at once. There are multiple game rooms, so a number of games can be played simultaneously.

    Now for a peek behind the scenes. My main aim has been to explore multiplayer gaming possibilities using a Construct 2 front end. I also wanted to make a MultiPlayer plugin/behavior that Constructors could use at a high level, IOW they/you shouldn't have to manipulate Socket.IO messages and break them apart in order to extract their meaning. You can see that in how the Cleaners C2 code handles the update of a web player:

    <img src="" border="0">

    One way in which I managed to simplify the C2 front end was to make my MultiPlayer a behavior that attaches itself to an object (typically a Sprite), rather than a separate plugin to act as a controller. I originally started off down the plugin road with my PhotonPlayer plugin. That combined the controller with a Sprite in a single unit, but it meant that it had to handle all the complex drawing routines itself. Now, my MultiPlayer behavior delegates that tricky business to the object that it's attached to, leaving it free just to send moves to the game server and to get back from the server updated location information and other data (such as scores). (More detail later about its dealings with the server.)

    OK, so you're wanting to try out my MultiPlayer behavior for yourself, on your own server. Here's what you'll need to do (you may have already done steps 1 and 2):

    1) Set up a NodeJS server - you'll find download and set up instructions here. (Warning: I'm contracting out of offering any help with this step - if you need it, you can find lots on the interweb.)

    2) Install these NodeJS modules: Express, NowJS. (Same warning applies here.)

    3) Download my Cleaners server.

    4) Unzip it into a subfolder of your NodeJs installation.

    5) Run the game server by entering at the command line in that folder: node server.js.

    6) Open up a browser window at this location: localhost:7000 (pick a different port if you have 7000 already in use by some other application - you'll also need to change the port number in line 34 of server.js). You should see the first screenshot above (with 'localhost:7000' as the address this time).

    7) Open up another browser window at the same location: localhost:7000. You should see the third screenshot above, with the player positions reversed.

    8) Move the mop in one window and you'll also see its grey counterpart move in the other.

    9) Switch from window to window and see if you can beat yourself!

    So where's Construct 2 in all this? I hear you ask. Well, if you look in the 'public' folder, you'll see 'c2runtime.js'. That's Construct 2's contribution to Cleaners. It came from my Construct 2 Cleaners project.

    If you now download my Cleaners capx and look at its event sheet in Construct 2, you'll find that there's no game logic there. In an industrial strength multiplayer game, an authoritative server handles all the logic. The only location data that the Construct 2 "game" sends to the server is the direction of a move (left/right/up/down) made by the object that the MultiPlayer behavior is attached to. It doesn't send its x/y coordinates, because this would be a really easy way for a rogue client "game" to cheat.

    Likewise, the server maintains score and health data and sends these to the client players (along with any necessary other data on the game state). That doesn't leave much for the Construct 2 "game" to do! In fact, you'll see that it really has just two tasks:

    1) send moves to the game server, and

    2) display the current game state.

    I've made a simpler Multiplayer Workout for you to use as a basis for experimenting for yourself. Here's how:

    1) Download my MultiPlayer behavior and see that it ends up in your Construct 2\exporters\html5\behaviors folder.

    2) Download my Multiplayer Workout capx.

    3) Download my Multiplayer Workout NodeJS server] and unzip it into another subfolder of your NodeJs installation.

    4) Open up a browser window at localhost:7700.

    5) Open up other browser windows (as many as you like) at the same address.

    6) Move the sprite in one window and you'll also see its differently coloured counterparts move in the others:

    <img src="" border="0">

    It's not a game! (I said it was simpler.) For one thing, there're no separate game rooms, and, as you've just seen, there's no enforced limit on the number of players.

    Over to your imagination to experiment with it. But NOTE that you won't be able to preview it in the usual way! That's because it doesn't know what to do if it can't connect to the game server. So here's the workflow you need to follow:

    1) Edit Multiplayer Workout in Construct 2 (of course!).

    2) Export your project as a HTML5 website to the public folder of the NodeJs subfolder that you created in Step 3 above. DON'T minify the script - the NowJS 'now' object confuses the Google Closure Compiler.

    3) Edit server.js to implement your game logic. You'll need to be familiar with JavaScript to do this, of course, but I've liberally commented my code to help you follow what goes on.

    4+) The next steps are the same as steps 5-9 in the first set of numbered instructions above.

    To make a game of your own from scratch using my MultiPlayer behavior, you'll need to know what it offers you - here are its conditions (events), actions, and expressions that you can make use of:

    • Condition: New web player has joined
    • Condition: Web player has been updated
    • Condition: On collision with another player
    • Condition: Web player/s to be created
    • Condition: On my player moved
    • Condition: Web player has left (use this to destroy the associated sprite)
    • Condition: Game server is ready
    • Action: Set the web player's ID (from the C2-allocated UID)
    • Action: Initialise data of web player to create (from the server-allocated client ID and its current x/y coordinates)
    • Expression: Get current X co-ordinate of web player
    • Expression: Get current Y co-ordinate of web player
    • Expression: Get web player's C2 UID
    • Expression: Get number of web players to make
    • Expression: Get the player's server-allocated UID
    • Expression: Get the player's name
    • Expression: Get the player's current score
    • Expression: Get the player's current health

    (The last three expressions are not used in my sample projects.)

    There are many multiplayer issues that I haven't dealt with. For example, I've not attempted to compensate for latency (the time taken in moving data to and from the server) or lag (the delay between a player's action and its result - partly caused by latency).

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    's a useful explanation of those issues by Rob Hawkes in a Google TechTalk, telling of his attempts to create a MMOG in HTML5 (he's particularly good on dealing with cheats - he carries the scars from multiple encounters).

    And I'll discuss those issues as they affect my MultiPlayer behavior in a later post, as well as explain why this is a tile-based behavior rather than one that allows pixel-by-pixel motion (you can probably guess why).

    My aim has been to create a practical experimental context in which we can explore and discuss the possibilities and issues of using Construct 2 in developing multiplayer games. Let me know if this helps.

  • Thanks for the heads-up,

    But it's definitely not competing in the same arena as C2, with its requirement for raw JavaScript (not Java Astrosus) programming skills.

    Scirra can breath easy.

  • ...You could also make your own 'debugger messages' by putting a text object on a layer and appending the text via an action.

    Yes, I typically add a 'DEBUGText' Text object and output to it what state messages I need. Not exactly a debugger, but usually quite adequate.

    ... messages for every single thing that happens would be unusable past anything but the simplest of games.


    And see this article: Debuggers are for Losers. To quote: "... most of the time the debugger is not the best tool to find and remove defects."

  • I'm a huge fan of Construct 2 ... I have been so influenced by Construct 2 ...


    Can you spell out for us exactly how you've been influenced by Construct 2? From what I can glean from your videos, you seem to use traditional scripting rather than the higher level design/development paradigm of C2.

  • crowtongue

    Thanks for the heads-up! I got the Node Cookbook, too. ?34 worth for only ?6 !


    See under 'Custom controls' on this manual page.

    (Lots of good things in the Manual <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle"> )

  • kenhes

    You can download/link to an uncompressed/non-minified version of jQuery here.

  • is there a way and documentation how to use the SDK without the construct2 builder.


    Short answer, no.

    I think you misunderstand what the C2 SDK is. It's intended to make plugins to expand the C2 engine's functionality. I think you might imagine it as a set of APIs to give you access to the C2 engine and allow you to code your game entirely in JavaScript. The SDK is not that.

    Take rexrainbow's advice. Look for another game engine which offers a set of APIs for you to build your own game by direct coding in a 3G programming language.

  • Just my two cents.

    No, no, much much more than two cents' worth!


    Fimbul has given you absolutely brilliant advice. Following it will set you on the path to success (no guarantees that you'll get to your goal, though!), while not using it to make your roadmap will see you lost, wandering and distressed, in the wilderness of Unfinished Projects.

    Have you got Scott Rogers' Level Up! ? That will give you more detailed practical guidance on each of Fimbul's points. See, for example, his 'Level 4: You can design a game, but can you do the paperwork?.

    Best wishes!

  • What a marvellous Christmas present! (7:30 am Christmas morning here in New Zealand). Thanks HUGELY for another great competition, folks of Scirra! And a very happy Christmas to you, too!