vee41's Forum Posts

  • Usually these 'I need people to make this game for me' posts don't produce much results unless you pay upfront. :) Bringing something solid (art or programming) to the table yourself would also generate more interest!

  • Looks really nice, feels well polished! I like it! :)

  • Already turned in my entry; ended up having time to work on it for only about 6 hours Saturday and not at all on Sunday. It would have benefited a lot from few extra hours, as right now it's pretty much just the basic gameplay. Ah well, was still fun, very inspiring theme! :)

  • I think the final themes offer multiple ways to interpret them, which is what makes them good in my opinion. Not many in the final round I'd consider bad.

  • Wouldn't 'pick nth instance' where instance is 0 do this as well?

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  • Quickly went over your .capx:

    In your 'DestroyFurthestPart' function swap your pick conditions around. If you have pick furthest first, you will pick exactly one (possibly wrong) instance of hackpart and second condition won't really do anything. You probably want it the other way around.

  • That's the problem, I need the soldier to always face the same direction as the Commander; if a shieldwall is not facing forward, it's useless as a shieldwall. If not for that, it would be easy and I wouldn't need the Direction at all.

    If I can't get each Soldier to follow its Direction while each Direction follows its Formation, I'd have to find a way to make the Soldier move in the direction of its Formation while still facing forward. Is it possible to translate an object in a direction without changing its angle?

    Added it to the example. :)


  • Depends on the game. There are lots of articles, analysis and thoughts of this on places like gamasutra. There is not "this is better than that" answer, it depends entirely on situation. :)

  • Simpler way to do this might be using IndexOf expression. No need to iterate through arrays. :)

  • Perhaps you could run installer before player first starts the game, and the font is installed for that computer? You could use normal fonts in that case. Haven't done it myself, but thought that would probably be the way I'd go if I ever use node-webkit :)

  • The javascript SDK is there for exactly that purpose :)

  • I removed the whole on overlap, as it doesn't differentiate betwee the units own formation and other ones. Also got rid of the whole angle thing, as there really is no point in that :)

    Fixed formations

  • I second, this is a feature I've missed often.

  • Posting a .capx would make answering your question possible, as you can do this in million ways and we have no idea how you've approached it... :)

    Here is one way:

    You probably got variable money on player object.

    on buy event > item.price

    .. buy


    .. play not enough money sound or something

  • If I understood you correctly, you could do this:

    .. familyMember1 pick by uid Family

    .... Do stuff for familyMember 1

    .. familyMember2 pick by uid Family

    .... Do stuff for familyMember 2


    Edit: The Hound beat me to it :)