vee41's Forum Posts

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  • I'd take a look, if you could upload a version without the cooldown plugin :)

    Nevermind, here is an short example how you could do it:

    Dual guns example

  • I'd take a look, if you could upload a version without the cooldown plugin :)

  • Thank you so much. That's exactly i needed.

    Please provide one more information. i have a sprite object that catches everything falling from the sky. and i want it to stay in the floor and when i move the mouse along with it, it needs to move only in left and right. not in 8 direction. ?

    Every tick

    .. set sprite.X to Mouse.X

  • Two quick ideas :

    a) Invisible sprites at the edges of screen (parallax 0) and conditions to scroll the screen when mouse is overlapping them.

    b) Check each tick for absolute mouse position to detect if it's near edge of the screen.

    After you've detected where you wish to scroll, there are nice examples of how to scroll the screen in the FAQ thread. :)

  • This example might be what you are looking for:

    EvilSprites demo

    It's a simple example of collision between two instances of same object, I added a little 'infect' example there to show how you could achieve this. The problem with your approach is in the way you handle those collisions, take a look at some picking tutorials in the FAQ thread here and they should explain in more depth what I did in that example. :)

  • > Didn't really look through your other events, was in a hurry. :)


    > Harvester example


    > I kind of did in a different way that should be way easier to manage and expand. Left few comments in the events, but feel free to ask if there is something weird there :)


    Nice! I think im understanding better, i liked your event order, i feel so good you could solve the problem that i couldn't figure out, i really appreciate your help! :)

    I have a question...

    However, you removed "Animation Frame = 2" it's used to give an eye candy like impact, isn't possible to implement back?

    That's a a good point, I added an action to match the gathering animation speed with gathering speed of the harvester. I updated the link I posted before, was this what you were looking for?

  • Didn't really look through your other events, was in a hurry. :)

    Harvester example

    I kind of did in a different way that should be way easier to manage and expand. Left few comments in the events, but feel free to ask if there is something weird there :)

  • Add 'for each harvester' above your 'is gathering' event. Right now every gathering harvester is picked and same events are executed for each one. You can observe the behavior by setting a debug text to 'Harvester.pickedCount' at start of gather event and you'll get value 2 back, meaning that there are two harvesters that fulfill the 'is gathering' condition.

  • You need only add a single function object to the game, you can create as many functions out of it as you like. I recommend you check manual entry for function object. :)

  • Try adding for each text - condition before your variable comparison.

  •       "Sub-Subevent"   System HealthBar.Pin.PinnedUID = EnemyFamily.UID (HealthBar.destroy)

    I'd guess this line doesn't actually do any picking, so no health bars are picked here. You could try:

    a) saving health bar UID into EnemyFamily variable and using pick by UID condition when destroying the health bar

    b) if there is no overlapping in your enemies, pick closest health bar to the dying enemy and destroy that

    c) something more elegant :)

  • 1, Use a container to bind one health bar to one enemy type (not a family). Ideally I'd be able to bind objects together in containers at run time but can't see a way to do this.

    You could do it this way:

    On familyName created

    ..Spawn healthbar on familyName (position/imagepont)

    ..Pin or whateverYouDoWithHealthBars

  • To Ashley. I know it's part of the limitation of the engine, but it's more frustrating to use. Especially when designing I want to create object linking.

    Currently I do

    create object

    wait 0.02

    uid = object.uid

    this so far works. but feels sloppy :(

    I recall 'wait 0' works as well, it divides it into two sections that are executed one after another. Feels a bit cleaner to me, basically the same thing though :)

  • Hey all,

    Is it only geared for arcade / platform / puzzle experiences?

    thanks in advance!

    Not really, anything 2D is possible. I've been working on turn based 4X and RTS for example :)