vee41's Forum Posts

  • Event sheets are calculated every tick. So you are creating 3 objects every tick. You need some sort of trigger or condition if you wish it to run only once. Try the same thing, but at your for loop condition add 'Trigger once while true' from system events.

  • Ashley

    would it be possible to enhance the great sprite font plugin by reading the ouput .fnt file or automate the process of individual character-spacing in some way?

    take a look at a fnt-example here:font.fnt

    (open with a txt-editor)


    the output png is as follows

    <img src="" border="0">

    I second this request for .fnt support, it would add a much needed option for C2 fonts in general. Web fonts can be unreliable if you are not connected to the internet, sprite fonts with customization like this would be #1 option for most projects in my opinion.

    Edit: Just found set character width action, which caters for most of my needs. :)

  • blackhornet this is a great tool, thank you!

  • You could put all in one door object, give the object instance variable 'level' and do something like this in events:

    ->On door clicked

    ... Go to layout door.level

    Now clicking on door would take you to the layout that's name has been typed in the 'level' instance variable of the specific door object.

  • Should work, probably something else that is causing the problem.

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  • JSON formatted import to hash table and then I can call the value at any time!

    That is pretty much what dictionary does.. :)

  • Would using a different type of loop make a difference?

    Nope. Select your repeat event, and press B. It will create black sub-event for the repeat event, now you can add whatever you wish to that.

  • vee41

    love the face of your evil sprite ^^ And I learned something from your capx too, so thanks ! (btw, you have a space at the end of your link making it broken)

    Thanks! Fixed the link :)

  • Here is an example how you could do it. The sprites can 'infect' non-infected sprites. Basically what happens, is that the collision event has both sprites selected and you'll just need to determine what to do with each one.

    Evil Sprites Example

  • or I have a better question <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> how are "they" gonna check whether I made more than 5000 USD ?

    What if I publish a game with C2 Personal Edition >> people will like it >> and sudenlly I will make 6000 USD for example.. or is there some limit or something ?

    There is a table with differences between the editions:

    They cannot check anyway if you've made over 5000USD, it's up to you to keep tab of that and purchase the business license when you've gone over the limit.

  • Search is your friend, just looked for same thing yesterday:

    Check the 3rd post.

  • I'd create single objects, with different cards as separate animations/frames. You could for example have animation Spades, hearts etc. with cards at frame numbers matching to the cards value. So Spade to would be at animation "Spade" at animation frame 2 and so forts. No need to use any other variables in that case, as you can see the value from animation frame.

    If you decide to use arrays to handle decks and whatever, you should have array for each player(or dealer) that has the cards of that player. Thus checking the cards player has would only be going through that array.

    Hope these random thoughts give you some ideas :)

  • Once complete we'll release for free to the community.

    Hooray! :)

  • First, you'll need to save your project in project format instead of a single .capx file. This can be done from the menu of construct 2, 'Save as project'.

    After that you can create your text file and import it to construct 2 by right clicking projects 'File' folder and selecting 'Import file'.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Now the file will appear in your project folders 'File' folder.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    You can now use external editors to modify those files and changes will be reflected in the game every time you load the file :)

  • Probably a good idea. :)

    Meanwhile, here is a screenshot from one of my projects. It loads array of data from a simple text file(json format):

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Here are contents of the text file:




    "data":[ [["Bob the Builder"],["He builds things."],[1],[2],[10],[100]],


    ["Ben the Builder"],["He builds things."],[1],[2],[10],[100]], [

    ["Bill the Builder"],["He builds things."],[1],[2],[10],[100]]
