Vectomon's Forum Posts

  • 10 posts
  • Ok, new question. Can a text object display a global variable? All I could get was for it to display a private one.

  • Thank you so much, 7Soul! I'll leave this open in case I have any more issues.

    Edit: Alright, I have a 8-frame animation, each frame being a ship. I used the solution you gave, but it just worked for the original "enemy" object that was outside the layout. The other enemies are generated in the template, and they all seem to pick frame one. How do I solve this? I tried setting the event to "Is on-screen" and "Is visible", but these don't seem to work.

    Edit: Solved! If anyone is wondering, I just made the enemies generate a little bit above the layout.

  • Hey guys! I'm making my first game, a generic SHMUP, and I have some questions.

    1- Can I make a "sprite" object, when spawned, select a random animation frame and stay static? I tried doing it, but it kept cycling trough the frames.

    2- If I use a downloaded font, does the player need the font installed to play the game properly?

    3- How to store variables in a text file? And like in Tower Climb, how to make the game detect if the file was altered?

    Thank you in advance and sorry for my craptastic English.

  • Did you work on Great Dungeon in the Sky's graphics?

    Anyway, great tutorial!

  • When it comes to speech remixes, nobody beats Pogo.

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  • I'm seeing some awesome games here! Here's the latest Minitroid video

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    Seriously, I love those tiles.

  • Man, kudos both for you and your artist.

  • This is just a minor nuisance, so it's not urgent. Everytime I close Construct, three windows error messages pop up saying that it encountered and error and was closed. I'd post a screenshot of the error, but my windows is in portuguese and it's the common windows error message when it shutdowns applications.

    I'm using Windows XP SP3.

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  • I suck at introductions, but whatever. Hey guys! I'm here because I can't learn AS3 or any scripting and/or programming language. I've tried quite a few game makers, but none seemed as good as Construct. It's also free. I'm what you may call a gamer, but since where I live everything's overpriced, most of my gaming experience comes from emulators and indie games. I like to call myself a pixel artist, but I'm not really good at pixel art. You can torture you eyes by looking at my PixelJoint gallery, but I haven't posted anything there in eons. So, uh, yeah. Hey guys.

  • Holy smokes, those are some pretty awesome graphic effects. Nice idea too. It's sort of addicting... @

  • 10 posts