vapsy's Forum Posts

  • 15 posts
  • Thanks lennaert i will give it a try!! thanks for your help!

  • Hi guys i need anyones help please!!!!! i am using scirra google play plugin for a web game, i uploaded to my own server,

    fill the propertys of the plugin except for the secret id (i think i dont need it,i used before but nothing change)

    ok so the games log in correctly with google play services, but i dont khow how to show the leaderboard or hi score, i use the get hi-score, but nothing happen i am using the latest beta version of construct!!

    Please help i am confuse if even the function is avaible , i used crankberry plugin for the mobile version i got no problem but this one i cant get it work!

  • Fruttle ... ttle&hl=en (via crosswalk)

    Uses google iap plugin,uses admop,uses toast,uses webview plugin!! Thanks for your awesome plugins cranberrygame

  • We finish our first game made in this awesome program (construct 2), its called Fruttle and it on google play we really apreciate feedback, and opinions hope everyone like it!!!! rate it if you want, we will be thankful!

    The games is free so give it a try ... es.fruttle

  • We finish our first game made in this awesome program (construct 2), its called Fruttle and it on google play we really apreciate feedback, and opinions hope everyone like it!!!! rate it if you want, we will be thankful!

    The games is free so give it a try ... es.fruttle

  • Thanks! frn2000

  • Well and this very moment this kind of bug doesnot affect my games as far as i khow but with the latest beta version of construct it Randonly show me a error message, while i am working in my game, usually after closing some layouts, i test it in some other proyects and same random result, i dont quite khow if it is a actually bug, but dont khow were else to put it, thanks in advance for having time to read and tell me if it is a bug or a random misfortune that happens to other before, above is the message a received


    Construct 2 Check failure


    Check failure! This is probably a bug:

    Releasing texture that has already been released; check all textures are loaded/released correctly

    Condition: false

    File: Projects\ObjectTexture.cpp

    Line: 497

    Function: void __cdecl ObjectTexture::GLReleaseTexture(class cr::GLRenderer *)

    Build: release 182 (64-bit) checked

    Component: Construct 2 IDE

    (Last Win32 error: 0)

    You are using a 'checked' release of Construct 2, intended for testing, which causes certain errors to be reported this way. Hit Ctrl+C to copy this messagebox - it's useful information for the developers, so please include it with any bug reports! Click 'Abort' to quit (unsaved data will be lost!),'Retry' to turn off messages for this session and continue, or 'Ignore' to continue normally.


    Anular Reintentar Omitir



  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Thanks roberto, i was thinking in downgrading, but also thinking in futures updates of the app, i will be forced to stay in old versions, and in terms of stabilitiy it makes me afraid, specially considering performance in mobile devices!! i guess i have not many options anyways!! i really havent test crosswalk, but as far i have read it got many problems by itself, and i dont khow if a can add ads in crosswalk without wrapper, or connect to google services for leaderboard and achievements, all of that i already get it working with cocoonjs!

  • Thanks for answering, and i did read it, but i really was hoping just to finish that proyect anyway thanks

  • Problem Description

    I update my construct to 179, i am developing my game with cocoonjs plugins, my project open, but when i try to preview it, i always crash, and sometimes just loading the cap, make it crash. i khow this is a beta, and bugs will happen, and cocoonjs will not be fully soported anymore it just i was about to finish my game and want to khow if there is a workaround! i am using the cocoonjs plugin for the github, it saids something is missing, but i am not quite a skilfull programmer


    Construct 2 Check failure


    Check failure! This is probably a bug:

    Dependency file appears to be missing

    Condition: FileExists(*i)

    File: html5.cpp

    Line: 1223

    Function: void __cdecl Exporter::DoExport(class era::IProject *,class era::ILayout *,bool,struct HWND__ *,bool,bool)

    Build: release 179 (64-bit) checked

    Component: HTML5 exporter

    (Last Win32 error: 2)

    You are using a 'checked' release of Construct 2, intended for testing, which causes certain errors to be reported this way. Hit Ctrl+C to copy this messagebox - it's useful information for the developers, so please include it with any bug reports! Click 'Abort' to quit (unsaved data will be lost!),'Retry' to turn off messages for this session and continue, or 'Ignore' to continue normally.


    Anular Reintentar Omitir


    thanks in advance

  • hey Jjanikowski man got any email! i cann't send any private message yet!

  • Thanks men, and believe i have been reading for almost a week, i have pretty hard times because of my english and most of the documentation of other sites like google play they always talk as i am developing on their native sdk, so that's why i am asking if someone already been to that process and give and idea to where i should be looking that will be friendly with contruct 2.

    i was looking forward to use for cross platform achievements and leaderboards i ask to them if a really could use their payment api for iap in all platform or google play will take my app out for not using their google wallet, but i havent got an answer of them. but also read a lot of bad things about cocoonjs performance and that doesnt work pretty well with

  • Thank you very much for your answer i will give it a try!!

  • Hi everyone i got 5 doubts and really hope someone can help me clear my doubts. i read and study lots of post and tutorial and already got the basic idea to add ads to android and ios app using cocoonjs and mopub!


    1) i want to upload to kongregate and as well how do i add ads to it, do i have to find and manually add my ads in construct, or the sites are the ones in charge to add them and pay me a percentage of it?

    2) with facebook apps can i add ads as well? and how do i do that, i also didnt find a friendly way to add IAP with facebook correct me if i am wrong.

    3) google chrome hosted apps, how do ads work for them, or how and from where i can looks for ads.

    4) with ads for tizen and amazon again how do i add them? or can use cocoonjs and mopub the same way as if was a android app.

    5) to finish off i am planning to buy a host (cheap one) i see facebook apps need a ssl, exaclty how does this work because my host told me they give me a shared ssl..does this does the trick?

    sorry for the long post, but really have these doubts to khow where i am going, i see i am going to have trouble to sell my apps because for example i cant use google merchant account because my country is not allowed so i cant use iap or sell my app, so i am forward looking to publish as many sites i could and incorporate ads so i can gain some money! thanks in advance!

  • Hi to everybody! i am currently working in a mobile game, i was planning to include in app purchase for it, but i read about the google merchant account to do it, but my country is not supported and nor i have a company? so it means i cannot offer iap or sell my game anytime or there is a alternate way?

    on other side does google policies of payments methods that encourage just to use google wallets, means that my free apps with ads will not pay me if the ads pay via paypal and not by google wallet or i get it wrong?

    and last but not least will i encounter this for ios, i am currently using a windows pc, can i upload the game and get a developer key from here for ios? or i have to buy a mac computer in order to that, and anyone khows if they kept the same policies to sell apps or iap purchase for ios just for companys

    thanks in advance i am currently a neebie in these but i am preparing before finish my game to see the posibilities for it on android and ios, greetings by the way i am from Honduras!!!

  • 15 posts