nice piece you create there :]
your art have a mix of pixels and photo, this is unusual and i like it very much
some advices; try to break the pose "hardness", this will make the character feel more fluid(make the pose with a silluete so you have an idea of the flow).
but if you(like me) is attach to this kind of "game character pose" approach, you can set minor differences between elements to create interest spots, just like you did with the character face wich is very good.
<img src="http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/030/4/0/player_1_by_valdarko-d4o6drr.jpg" border="0" />
hands and feet have their respective anatomy, but i think you should work towards your style and the way you represent this elements.
hope this help a bit :]