VaeVictus's Forum Posts

  • 7 posts
  • Thanks a lot. And sorry for wasting your time, it was really just a typo on my part. I'm embarrassed.

    I'm trying to understand what each event does to get a grasp of how the whole thing works. Can anyone verify my assumptions and answer my questions?

    Global text content = ""[/code:3mm702jx]
    1. We add a global variable "content" of the text type. I don't understand what is this used for since I don't see it ("content") referenced anywhere else in the event sheet. What is it's role?
    [code:3mm702jx] System | On start of layout 
    -> System | For "i" from 1 to 100 | Text | Scrolling Append str(loopindex("i")) & newline
    2. On start of layout we do nothing but run sub-event which creates a loop which repeats 100 times, each time appending a number (the line's index) and creating a new line into the "Text" object. How do I append an actual paragraph of text to appear in the "Text" object instead of these indexed lines?
    [code:3mm702jx] System | On start of layout | Thumb | Set Boundary vertical boundary to | bar at image point ["UP, "DOWN"]
                                                                 | Thumb | Set position to | bar (image point "UP")[/code:3mm702jx]
    3. Here we limit the movement of "thumb" by pinning it to the bar and preventing it from going outside of the two image points - up and down. Here, we also set initial position of thumb to the up image point.
    [code:3mm702jx] System | On start of layout  - or -  thumb | Is DragDrop2 dragging | Text | Scrolling Scroll content by percentage to thumb.Boundary.VerPercent  [/code:3mm702jx]
    4. Here we make the text actually scroll when we drag the tumb up and down by a percentage of the vertical length of the boundary. What I don't understand is the "system | on start of layout" part - why do we need this?
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  • Alright, I shared it -[/code:1z9emxfi]
  • I just received a message from Scirra's support and apparently it will take them a while to fix the file attachments.

    Can I have your e-mail to share you my project via Dropbox/Drive?

  • Apparently we can't attach .capx files at the moment.

    In the meanwhile:

    My original idea was to use an external .txt file (imported with AJAX) for the contents of the "Text" field:

    System | On start of layout | AJAX | Request Text.txt (tag "Text")
    AJAX | On "Text" completed | Text | Set text to AJAX.LastData
    What do I need to do, to use this kind of text contents in place of the current number lines (1-100)? Or, in that matter, how do I add any kind of text, in place of the numbers that appear in the beginning of each line?
  • Same with me, I just discovered it and came here to post about it. And lo - I'm not the only one.

  • rexrainbow - Thanks man, I will use the occasion to thank you for all your contributions here; it helps us, newbs, a lot

    Okay, it still doesn't work properly. It might be related to my general (mis)understanding of the software but bear with me:

    1. My thumb starts at about line 12-13 (instead of line 1 as it is in the example).

    2. When I try to drag it it works properly for dragging down but if I try dragging it up it constantly tries to snap back to its original point (line 12-13).

    3. If I drag the thumb I can take it outside of the scroll box (although it's "fixed" to only move vertically) and it snaps back to the bottom-most/upper-most point of the scroll bar when I drop it.

    Note 1: I believe to have made a carbon copy of the event sheet, I have assigned the necessary Boundary/DragDrop 2 behaviors to "thumb", Scrolling to "Text", and UP/DOWN image points to "bar".

    Note 2: The example .capx runs properly on my machine so it's not an issue of platform/input method, etc.

  • I have a (potentially very noob) question:

    On the Capx - Scroll bar example the last event on sheet looks like this:

     thumb | On DragDrop2 dragging[/code:ci3y7tpe]
    When I try to replicate it, I cannot, for the love of God, find a condition that is just "[i]On dragging[/i]". I do have the Drag & Drop 2 behavior installed but all I can see is:  "Is dragging", "On dragging start", etc. There's simply no "On dragging".
    Any ideas? Thanks, in advance.
  • 7 posts